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Understanding Tear Trough Surgery

Tear trough surgery is a type of lower eyelid surgery that focuses on the section of the lower eyelid where the lower eyelids meet the upper cheeks, colloquially referred to as the tear trough. This part of the lower eyelid is vulnerable to the impacts of aging and often shows those signs more quickly than other parts of the body typically do. As you age, the lower eyelids lose elasticity and thin, leading to sagging and the development of dark circles.

Tear trough surgery has the potential to reverse some of these effects and revitalize this area, creating a sense of youthfulness and vivaciousness that might otherwise have been lost. If you think you would benefit from tear trough treatment, take a look at this guide, which describes many of the aspects of this useful surgery to increase your understanding of what would take place if you elected for one.

What is Tear Trough Surgery?

Plastic surgeons commonly utilize several different methods to perform tear trough surgery. Each method of the procedure aims to alleviate the presence of sunken eyes that can form due to maladaptations in the tear trough due to the effects of aging. The most notable options for achieving tear trough correction are as follows:

  • Fat transfer (dermal fillers)
  • Tear trough implant
  • Lower blepharoplasty
  • A combination of the listed treatments

Determining which of the above treatments you prefer will depend heavily on how your physician assesses the overall state of your eyes. They will also consider which of the treatments can best fit your needs.

Surgical Options for Treating Tear Troughs

Tear Trough Surgery

One of the primary surgical methods for improving the appearance of the tear trough and lessening the presence of bags under the eyes is a procedure known as a lower blepharoplasty. A lower blepharoplasty is a sub-type of blepharoplasty, which describes the classification of surgeries that modify aspects of the eyelids.

As the name suggests, a lower blepharoplasty focuses on modifying the lower eyelids. There are various options for performing lower eyelid surgery—through the skin just under the eyelashes or through the inside of the eyelid, for example. Tear trough surgery is just one type of surgery that falls into the category of lower blepharoplasty.

During tear trough surgery, a physician repositions fat bags under the eye and redistributes their organization beneath the skin. This can help add volume in areas where it is lacking and remove fat where it might exist in excess. This procedure only requires local anesthesia, which means that it will be accessible for most patients.

To avoid scarring, surgeons perform the procedure with an incision inside the eyelid. This surgical technique can achieve the desired aesthetic results without scarring the surrounding area, leaving most patients with a refreshed look with minimal intervention.

Tear Trough Implant Surgery

For patients who are disinclined toward the previously mentioned method of correcting tear trough puffiness, tear trough implant surgery can also achieve the same result. During a tear trough implant procedure, the physician cuts a small incision into the lower eyelid and subsequently inserts an implant to fill the hollow areas under the eyes, rather than using preexisting fat deposits to alter the appearance of the eyes as is done in general tear trough surgery.

This procedure is typically performed under conscious sedation and is considered safe. That said, it is more invasive than some of the other options for restoring this area of the eyelids, so you should discuss with your physician whether they think it is a good choice for you.

One advantage of this type of procedure is that the results are virtually permanent. When the surgery is successful, the implant will fuse with the natural surrounding tissues and become an enduring fixture of an individual’s eyelid. The longevity of the procedure makes it a popular choice for individuals who qualify.

Non-Surgical Options for Treating Tear Troughs

If the surgical methods for altering tear trough appearance are not suitable for you, there are non-surgical alternatives that may fit your needs. Some of the more popular non-surgical tear trough treatment options include:

Hyaluronic Acid Gel Filler Injections

Among the numerous cosmetic alteration options for both face and body, hyaluronic injections are one of the most requested varieties of dermal fillers. During a hyaluronic acid gel filler injection, the surgeon injects the filler into the regions of the lower eyelid that would benefit from additional volume. This procedure has the advantage of being painless and completable in a very short period of time.

Fat Transfer Injections

Fat transfer injections bridge the gap between surgical and non-surgical options for improving the appearance of the tear trough. During this procedure, fat is harvested from areas of the body where it is plentiful and injected into the tear trough and sunken portions of the eyes. This procedure may result in some mild pain and swelling, but both should subside within 7-10 days.

You can discuss with your physician whether either of these procedures is suitable to solve your situation, especially if you are struggling to receive approval for the more invasive surgical options.

Am I a Good Candidate for Tear Trough Surgery?

Most patients who are interested in receiving tear trough surgery will find their physician approves them for treatment. Unfortunately, some conditions may interfere with an individual’s ability to undergo tear trough surgery. Individuals who are less likely to be approved for the surgery have conditions such as the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Heart or lung diseases
  • A history of surgical difficulties

You should discuss with your physician the elements of your health profile that might interfere with your ability to be approved for any of the aforementioned methods of tear trough treatment. Barring the presence of a severe chronic illness or other complication, you will very likely receive approval for treatment. If your doctor does not approve you, speak with them about what other options are available for enhancing the appearance of this portion of your face.

Preparing for Tear Trough Surgery

The specifics of your preparatory period for tear trough surgery will depend primarily on the exact version of tear trough correction you plan to pursue. Generally, you can expect the following guidelines to be consistent regardless of which procedure you select:

  • Adjust your prescription medicine intake
  • Reduce your alcohol intake for several weeks leading up to the procedure
  • Cease smoking at least six weeks prior to the procedure
  • Reduce the level of physical exercise you engage in prior to the procedure

Depending on your medical profile, your physician may recommend you take additional preparatory steps to ensure that your procedure is as safe and secure as possible. During this pre-surgical period, you should speak candidly with your surgical team about your medical profile and lifestyle prior to your tear trough treatment.

Recovering from Tear Trough Surgery

The recovery period for a tear trough surgery is relatively benign in comparison to the recovery periods of many other procedures. In general, you can expect some of the following impacts from the procedure:

  • Swelling
  • Irritation
  • Redness
  • Mild pain

It may take a week or two for the side effects of your procedure to subside and for you to experience the total scope and benefits of your results. Additionally, your physician will likely give you advice about which activities to engage in or avoid during your recovery period. This advice may include instructions such as:

  • Avoid intense physical activity for several weeks following your surgery
  • Avoid sleeping on the part of your face that has received treatment
  • Avoid excessive sunlight exposure on the part of your face that has received treatment
  • Apply ice to your surgical site in order to reduce swelling and irritation

If you suffer from chronic health conditions that could impact your recovery period, your physician may have additional advice about how to safely recover from tear trough surgery while managing your chronic condition. Follow all of your physician’s advice to ensure you do not jeopardize your treatment results.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

Choosing a surgeon you trust and know is highly qualified is essential to ensuring a positive surgical experience. Specifically, verifying your doctor’s board certification is the most crucial step in confirming they are qualified to perform the procedure you desire.

Board-certified plastic surgeons have been deemed fit to practice by and earned certification from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). To receive certification, they must meet a number of qualifications and follow a stringent set of guidelines, proving they can and will engage in safe treatment practices.

The requirements for plastic surgeons to earn board certification from ASPS are as follows:

  • Receive board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) or in Canada by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
  • Complete at least six years of surgical training following medical school with a minimum of three years of plastic surgery residency training.
  • Pass comprehensive oral and written exams.
  • Graduate from an accredited medical school.
  • Complete continuing medical education, including patient safety, each year.
  • Perform surgery in accredited, state-licensed, or Medicare-certified surgical facilities.
  • Adhere to a strict Code of Ethics.

You can trust that a surgeon who has completed these intensive measures will be more than equipped to handle your cosmetic surgical procedure. Do not settle for anything less than exceptional treatment.

LA’s Best Resource for Tear Trough Treatment

Dr. Taban and the rest of the team at Taban MD offer patients the highest quality eyelid surgeries available. If you would like to discuss a tear trough procedure with our oculofacial cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, contact us today to set up an appointment.