Video Gallery

Lower eyelid reconstruction after botched lower blepharoplasty
60+ year old woman underwent lower eyelid ectropion/retraction repair with skin graft after botched aggressive lower blepharoplasty.
Male upper blepharoplasty
45 year old male with genetic and age related upper eyelid hooding underwent customized conservative male upper blepharoplasty.

Painless stitches removal after upper blepharoplasty
Removal of stitches 1 week after upper blepharoplasty.
Scarless chalazion drainage
Scarless drainage of upper eyelid stye (chalazion) under local anesthesia.
Scarless lower blepharoplasty
Scarless lower blepharoplasty in a young man for under eye fat bags.
Scarless ptosis surgery
Young woman, with congenital droopy right upper eyelid (ptosis) underwent right scarless ptosis repair.
Scarless lower blepharoplasty
Middle aged man, orthopedic surgeon from Texas who traveled to Los Angeles, with under eye bags and genetic negative vector (bulging eyes), underwent scarless lower blepharoplasty.
Eyelid laceration repair
Complex eyelid laceration repair from motor vehicle accident.Real Lower Blepharoplasty from Start to Finish

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Eye Shape Change
Young transgender female underwent eye reshaping surgery to have less bulging and more uptured almond eyes. Procedure included scarless orbital decompression, lower eyelid retraction surgery with canthoplasty (almond eye surgery), and customized infraorbital rim silicone implant.

Sunken Eyes Dark Circles Eyelid Filler Injection-Before and After
Video showing Dr. Taban performing upper eyelid filler injection and lower eyelid (under eye) filler injection to correct hollow sunken eyes and dark circles in a young woman.

Orbital Decompression Surgery for Graves Disease
Dr. Taban was featured on The Doctors TV show along with his patient (Maria), who suffered from bulging eyes and lower eyelid retraction from Graves disease. The patient underwent orbital decompression surgery and lower eyelid retraction surgery by Dr. Taban. Maria’s experience throughout the presurgery, surgery, and postoperative course after orbital decompression is shown.

The Doctors Clip – Achieving Almond Eyes, or Bedroom Eyes via Oculoplastic Surgery
Dr. Taban was featured on The Doctors TV show (for second time) performing surgery to achieve almond shape eyes or bedroom eyes.

Almond Eye and Ptosis Surgery
In this video, Dr. Taban introduces us to a patient about to undergo an almond eye surgery and ptosis surgery.

Droopy Upper Eyelids (Ptosis) Surgery
This patient is doing a droopy upper eyelid surgery to correct her tired look and eye asymmetry.

Revision Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery
In this video, this patient will undergo a lower eyelid retraction surgery with Dr. Taban. This patient is from Russia and had a bad surgery that will need to be revised by Dr. Taban.

Lower Blepharoplasty to Reduce Dark Circles & Remove Eyelid Bags – Izabelle Patient Testimonial
Watch a patient of Dr. Taban undergo a lower blepharoplasty surgical procedure done to help reduce the appearance of under eye bags!

Orbital Decompression Surgery for Graves Disease
In this video, this patient has bulgy eyes from Grave’s Disease and will undergo surgery. Dr. Taban will perform orbital decompression surgery to push the eyeball back, raise the lower eyelids, and put an implant under the eyes.

Patient Testimonial – Izabelle – Lower Blepharoplasty (Lower Eyelid Surgery) For Eye Bag Removal
(Extended version of same patient above) Video showing Lower Blepharoplasty in young woman to correct under eye bags and dark circles. Dr. Taban used hidden inside eyelid approach (transconjunctival) to partially remove the fat pad and reposition the rest of the fat to fill in the hollow area under eye (dark circles). The procedure was done under local anesthesia with oral sedation in the office. The patient (Izabela) explains her experience throughout the procedure and postoperative recovery and results after her cosmetic lower eyelid surgery.

Male Lower Blepharoplasty Surgery
In this video, this patient will undergo a lower blepharoplasty surgery to fix bags under his eyes. It’s important to not change the shape of the eye.

Dr. Taban Undergoes Eyelid Stye Removal Surgery under Local Anesthesia
Dr. Taban has eyelid stye removal surgery under local anesthesia.

Patient is Able to Sing While Undergoing Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery under Local Anesthesia
One of our patients sings “Yesterday” while undergoing upper blepharoplasty under local anesthesia! By using local anesthesia, our expert cosmetic surgeons are able to perform eyelid surgery with little to no pain.

Almond Eye Surgery with Cantoplasty
This patient was born with congenital droopy lower eyelid retraction. Dr. Taban will be lifting the lower eyelids to make the eyes more almond shape.

Los Angeles Orbital Decompression Surgery
The animation video illustrates how orbital decompression is performed to correct protruding eyes, which could be due to thyroid eye disease, shallow eye socket, large eyeball (myopia) or other.

Naila – Patient Testimonial for Ptosis (Droop Lower Eyelid) Corrective Surgery
Naila, one of our patients, had a ptosis surgery performed on her eyelid. Ptosis surgery help correct the appearance of a droopy lower eyelid.

Cosmetic Lower Blepharoplasty on a Physician
This patient is a physician who selected Dr. Taban to do his eye surgery. He is doing under eye lower blepharoplasty to improve his eye bags and also droopy upper eyelid ptosis surgery.

Eyelid Ptosis – Droopy Eyelid Surgery – Hidden Incision
Dr. Taban is able to perform a droopy eyelid surgery, or a Ptosis correction surgery, by making a small hidden incision underneath the upper eyelid.

Causes and Management for Eye Tearing
In this video, Dr. Taban talks about the causes and management for eye tearing.

Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Ptosis Repair
This patient has droopy upper eyelids which is bothering her vision. At the same time, Dr. Taban is going to work on her eye bags.

Courtney – Patient Testimonial Eyelid Skin Cancer Reconstructive Surgery
Courtney discusses her experience with right lower eyelid skin cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) surgery by Dr. Taban (after Mohs removal by dermatologist).

Eyelid Facial Fat Filler for Facial Aging Treatment
In this video, Dr. Taban talks about facial aging in terms of volume loss and the treatment options that are available.

Forehead and Brow Lift Treatment
In this video, Dr. Taban talks about aging process in the forehead and brows and the treatments available.

Out Of Town Patient Information for Eye Plastic Surgery
In this video, Dr. Taban talks about information for out of town patients who need to see a eye plastic surgeon specialist.

Right Eye Orbital Implant for Sunken Eye (enophthalmos) – Silent Sinus Syndrome Treatment
Ava discusses her rare condition of silent sinus syndrome causing severe right sunken eye (enophthalmos). She underwent reconstructive orbital surgery to restore eyeball position with orbital implant placement plus sinus surgery.

Oculoplastic Surgeon Dr. Taban’s Los Angeles Office
In this video, view Dr. Taban’s beautiful office for all of your oculoplastic surgery care.

Testimonial for Revision Droopy Eyelid (Ptosis) Surgery
In this video, view a patient testimonial from Dr. Taban on her revision droopy eyelid (ptosis) surgery procedure.

Orbital Decompression Surgery on Teenager with Graves Disease Bulging Eyes
In this video, view a young patient testimonial from Dr. Taban on her orbital decompression surgery for Graves Disease to treat her bulging eyes.

Skin Cancer
Dr Taban performs skin cancer surgery on his own father.

Orbital Decompression for Bulging Eyes
Young man with Thyroid eye disease flew from Spokane Washington to Beverly Hills to have Dr. Taban perform orbital decompression to treat bulging eyes.

Upper Eyelid Filler Injection for Hollowness
Upper eyelid filler injection to treat sunken hollow upper eyelids that resulted from prior aggressive upper blepharoplasty.

Lower Blepharoplasty – Patient from Belgium
Young woman flew from Belgium to California for lower blepharoplasty. Dr Taban used scarless transconjuntival technique with repositioning of the eye fat bags to create more smooth under eye area.

Sunken Eye Surgery
Woman who flew from Africa to Beverly Hills to have her sunken eye (from prior orbital fracture) treated using orbital implant.

Enophthalmos Orbital Fracture Surgery
This patient was punched in the right eye about six months ago, who now has a sunken eye.

Eyelid-Orbital Tumor Removal Surgery
Video showing a young man with benign vascular eyelid/orbit tumor and its surgical removal by Dr. Taban.

Orbital Blowout Fracture Surgery
Video showing Dr. Taban performing orbital blow out fracture surgery in a woman who suffered from trauma to the eye with orbital blow out fracture and eyelid laceration. Orbital blow out fracture repair is done to correct double vision and sunken eye (enophthalmos) that can result from the fracture. Dr. Taban uses minimal invasive technique with hidden incision inside the lower eyelid and conjunctiva.

Pretrichial Brow Lift Using a Hidden Hairline
Dr. Taban illustrates his special technique of brow lift with hidden incision along temple hairline, under local anesthesia with oral sedation. He has published the details of this brow lifting technique. You can find that manuscript by visiting brow lift procedure page on this website.

Lip Filler Injection
Dr. Taban performs LIP filler injection in a young woman. It is important to be conservative with filler amount to avoid duck lips!

Orbital Decompression Surgery
Young patient, from Sweden, visited Dr. Taban to undergo orbital decompression surgery to correct her bulging eyes.

Orbital Decompression Surgery for Bulging Eyes
Evan discusses how he was always bothered by inherited bulging eyes. He underwent successful cosmetic orbital decompression by Dr. Taban. He is now much happier and confident.

Orbital Blow-Out Fracture Surgery
Ryan discusses his experience with disfiguring sunken right eye after suffering hockey puck trauma with initial unsatisfactory surgery in Canada. He then visited Dr. Taban in Beverly Hills who performed reconstructive right orbit surgery with implant to restore the right eye shape and function.

Dr. Mehryar (Ray) Taban- Patient Testimonial “Darcy”
Darcy discusses her experience with revision reconstructive eyelid plastic surgery by Dr. Taban and how it has changed her life.

Orbital Decompression Surgery for Graves Disease
Mother of 2 children discusses her experience with orbital decompression surgery to correct disfiguring and uncomfortable bulging eyes from Graves thyroid eye disease.

Graves’ Disease
Woman who flew from Chicago to Beverly Hills CA to have Dr. Taban perform orbital decompression surgery and eyelid retraction surgery for bulging eyes due to Graves eye disease.

Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
Dr. Taban performs dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery to bypass blocked nasolacrimal duct (tear drainage duct). All the work is done through the nose to avoid any outside scars with much quicker healing.

Botox to Remove Fine Lines and Eyebrow Lift
Quick video showing a young woman underling Botox injection to treat her frown lines and forehead wrinkles and crows feet, and also slightly lift her eyebrows (chemical brow lift). Dr. Taban believes in natural results and believes it is important to have some movement of forehead after Botox injection.

Patient Testimonial – Carrie – Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty, Brow Lift, & Ptosis Surgery
Testimonial video of a middle age woman, who visited Dr. Taban from Florida. She wanted to look more rested and youthful. She underwent upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, ptosis surgery, and lateral pretrichial brow lift. She discusses her experience throughout her eye plastic surgery.

Orbital Tumor Lesion Surgery
Video showing a man undergoing surgery to remove a benign foreign body from his eyelid and orbit.

Droopy Eyelid Ptosis Surgery
Watch time-lapse video of complete droopy upper eyelid (ptosis) surgery in a male patient, performed by Dr. Taban, under local anesthesia with oral sedation in Beverly Hills office.

Orbital Decompression Surgery For Thyroid Eye Disease
Watch a woman with significant bulging eyes from Graves thyroid eye disease with trouble closing her eyes and eye discomfort undergo orbital decompression surgery by Dr. Taban.

TabanMD Oculoplastic Surgeon: What is Canthoplasty?
Dr. Taban discusses what is lateral canthoplasty and when it is useful to perform canthoplasty. He also discusses difference between canthoplasty and canthopexy. Dr. Taban has published a special minimal invasive canthoplasty technique. You can find that manuscript by visiting canthoplasty procedure page on this website.

TabanMD Eyelid Filler Oculoplastic Surgeon – Beverly Hills, Santa Barbara
Dr. Taban performs under eye filler (Restylane) injection in young woman to correct under eye dark circles and hide bags which have caused her to look tired.

Droopy Eyelid Ptosis Surgery
Young man with inherited eyelid ptosis (droopy upper eyelid) is undergoing droopy eyelid (ptosis) correction under local anesthesia in the office. You can watch the patient talk during surgery as he is comfortable and relaxed. Most eyelid plastic surgery procedures can easily be performed under local anesthesia with quick recovery.

Naila – Patient Testimonial Ptosis (Lower Droopy Eyelid) Surgery Before & After
Young model (named Naila) discusses her long-standing droopy eyelid (ptosis) in one eye and how it affected her life and work. She also discusses her experience with cosmetic eyelid ptosis repair performed by Dr. Taban.

Lower Blepharoplasty for Dark Circle Reduction, Eye Bag Removal, and Better Eyelid Appearance
Video of Lower Blepharoplasty in young woman to correct under eye bags and dark circles. Dr. Taban used hidden inside eyelid approach (transconjunctival) to partially remove the fat pad and reposition the rest of the fat to fill in the hollow area under eye (dark circles). The procedure was done under local anesthesia with oral sedation in the office. The patient (Izabela) explains her experience throughout the procedure and postoperative recovery and results after her cosmetic lower eyelid surgery.

*This Video has no sound
Eyelid Laceration
Teenager undergoes facial laceration repair under local anesthesia.

Eyelid stye chalazion removal surgery
Video showing a young woman with right lower eyelid stye (chalazion) undergoing eyelid stye removal (using hidden inside eyelid incision) under local anesthesia in the office by Dr. Taban.

Taban MD Oculoplastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills and Santa Barbara

Droopy Upper Eyelid Management and Treatment
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty (sometimes referred as an “eyelid lift”) involves removing excess loose skin (and sometimes fat), giving the eyes a more youthful appearance with a more visible eyelid platform. Upper blepharoplasty may be combined with other reconstructive or cosmetic eyelid procedures, such as upper eyelid ptosis surgery (droopy eyelid surgery) and brow lifting, as each can contribute to a “heavy” or “droopy” upper eyelid area. For instance, if the eyebrow has drooped, it causes more skin to be “pushed” down to the upper eyelid area, causing excess skin, hence brow lifting may be necessary for such patients.

Upper Blepharoplasty — Dr. Mehryar Taban
29 year old female, with hooded upper eyelids, undergoes upper blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) under local anesthesia. Her whole journey, including preop, surgery, and postop recovery is shown (includes more graphic surgery clips).
Upper Blepharoplasty and Upper Eyelid Filler– Dr. Mehryar Taban
Young beautiful woman with loose upper eyelid skin and upper eyelid deflation and hollowness due to fat loss, underwent combined upper blepharoplasty and upper eyelid filler injection under local anesthesia with oral sedation. Her entire journey is shown. Note more youthful rested eye appearance.

Lacrimal Gland Repositioning
Young woman, with herniated lacrimal gland (lacrimal gland prolapse) underwent lacrimal gland repositioning under eye local anesthesia using hidden eyelid crease incision. “Bump” in outer area of the upper eyelids is likely lacrimal gland, not fat, and hence it should not be removed but rather tucked back into the orbit.

Woman underwent combined upper blepharoplasty and upper eyelid filler injection
45 year old woman, with upper eyelid aging with loose eyelid skin and fat loss creating sunken hollow upper eyelids, underwent combined upper blepharoplasty and upper eyelid filler injection. Note more rested youthful eye appearance.

Actress Kristi McKamie– Lower Blepharoplasty Testimonial
Testimonial by actress Kristi McKamie who underwent lower blepharoplasty for under eye puffiness and dark circles.

Asian Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower Blepharoplasty After Unsuccessful Filler Testimonial
Talented guitarist from Las Vegas talks about her experience with lower blepharoplasty after unsuccessful under eye filler injection.

Young man undergoes Scarless Lower Blepharoplasty
Young man, with genetic under eye fat bags, underwent scarless lower blepharoplasty. Note more youthful eye appearance in his after selfie photo.

Lower Blepharoplasty in 19 year old with genetic under eye fat bags.
19 year old young woman, with genetic under eye fat bags with dark circles, underwent cosmetic scarless transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty with fat repositioning.
Lower Blepharoplasty For Under Eye Fat Bags
Young woman, complained of looking tired due to under eye puffiness and dark circles. She underwent scarless transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty with eye fat repositioning. Her preop, surgery, and 1 month postop are shown.

African American Lower Blepharoplasty
42 year old African American woman, underwent scarless lower blepharoplasty (transconjunctival technique with under eye fat bags repositioning) plus lacrimal gland repositioning.

Lower Nlepharoplasty on a young black woman
Young beautiful woman underwent scarless lower blepharoplasty (transconjunctival technique with fat repositioning) to improve genetic under eye fat bags.

Athlete from Ninja Warrior TV underwent scarless lower blepharoplasty
Famous athlete from Ninja Warrior TV show underwent scarless lower blepharoplasty to address genetic under eye fat bags. Here whole surgical video can be found on the website.
50+ year old ophthalmologist with under eye fat bags underwent lower blepharoplasty
50+ year old ophthalmologist (Dr DeBry) with under eye fat bags, flew from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. He underwent lower blepharoplasty to improve under eye appearance. Note more youthful eye appearance.
Beautiful woman with under eye fat bags, underwent scarless lower blepharoplasty
Beautiful woman with obvious under eye fat bags causing tired eyes, underwent scarless lower blepharoplasty (transconjunctival technique with eye fat bags repositioning).
Severe Eyelid Ptosis Repair Using Frontalis Sling
Video of young man who came from Ecuador to have frontalis sling surgery for severe congenital droopy upper eyelids (ptosis).
Scarless Congenital Droopy Upper Eyelid Ptosis Surgery in a young woman
Young woman, with history of congenital left upper eyelid ptosis underwent scarless droopy upper eyelid ptosis surgery.
Ptosis Procedure
Young woman who underwent right upper eyelid congenital ptosis surgery using scarless internal technique.
Asian Blepharoplasty (Double Eyelid Surgery) Taban MD

Double Eyelid Surgery

Removal of MEDPOR Implant
Removal of lower orbital rim (tear trough) cheek medpor implant in a woman who was unhappy about its appearance. It was done using scarless inside eyelid approach. It’s removal was very difficult as medpor gets scarred to surrounding tissue. Silicone orbital rim implant would have been much easier to remove.
William Cosmetic Bulging Eye Surgery
Male patient with congenital bulging eyes and lower eyelid retraction and significant under eye bone deficiency underwent cosmetic orbital decompression, lower eyelid retraction surgery, and lower orbital rim tear trough silicone implant (Infraorbital Rim Implant) placement.
Animation Infraorbital Rim Implant
Animation video showing the placement of infraorbital rim implant and the change it makes. Important to use transconjunctival technique to preserve eyelid function with quicker recovery.
Removing Eyelid Fat Injection Lumps Granulomas
Video Showing a Young mother and model, underwent upper eyelid fat lumps removal (plus upper blepharoplasty) that had resulted from prior fat injection (fat transfer) by another surgeon.

Scarless Procedure — Revision Eyelid Surgery
Dr. Mehryar Taban, MD performs a Scarless Procedure — Revision Eyelid Surgery — under local anesthesia and sedation on a female patient. She had previous fat transfer injection under the eyes that caused unnatural lumps.
Revision Eyelid Ptosis Surgery
This 31 year old young woman, has a history with 2 previous failed left upper eyelid ptosis surgery (by other surgeons). In this video she underwent revision left droopy upper eyelid ptosis repair.

Revision Droopy Eyelid Surgery / Droopy Eyelids

Patient Selfie Video
Video selfie of a happy transgender woman who underwent almond eye surgery with lower eyelid retraction surgery and canthoplasty, customized infraorbital rim silicone implant, customized orbital decompression, and upper eyelid filler.

Customized Infraorbital Rim Implant
This video illustrates the important points regarding infraorbital rim silicone implant.
Testimonial for Revision Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery
Audio video of a woman who discusses her journey after suffering from lower eyelid retraction after transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty (by another surgeon) and finally being treated by Dr Taban who performed lower eyelid retraction repair.

Cosmetic orbital decompression for repair bugling eye

Revision Eyelid Surgery
Young woman, with severe eye/facial trauma due to motor vehicle accident, underwent initial left orbital fracture repair with orbital implant and then underwent bilateral lower eyelid retraction surgery plus left infraorbital rim silicone implant.

Revision Eyelid Surgery
In this video, see Dr. Taban perform corrective revision left eyelid surgery for floppy droopy eyelid and canthal dystopia after a previous eyelid cancer reconstruction.
Eye Asymmetry Evaluation and Treatment Guide by Dr. Taban
In this video, Dr. Taban overviews the concept, evaluation, and treatment of Eye Asymmetry. Eye asymmetry or uneven eyes is when one eye does not mirror the other. Often, one eyelid will be more droopy than the other. Or it could be due to eye ball asymmetry or orbit asymmetry. Proper evaluation by an oculoplastic surgeon is needed.

Eye Asymmetry Correction
Upper Eyelid Asymmetry correction by removing skin from the upper eyelid.

Eye Asymmetry Correction
Upper Eyelid Asymmetry correction by removing skin from the upper eyelid.

Eyelid Xanthalasma Cholesterol Deposit Removal with Blepharoplasty
This cholesterol deposit is located underneath the skin nearby the eyelid. These growths are typically not harmful and not painful. As indicated in the video, the xanthelasma procedure can be performed with a blepharoplasty incision.

Eyelid Skin Cancer Reconstruction Surgery
In this video, see Dr. Taban work with a 68 year old male, with a large right eyelid and nose defect after Mohs surgery to remove basal cell carcinoma and underwent eyelid reconstruction.

Left Lower Eyelid Skin Cancer Reconstruction Surgery testiomonial
In this video, see Dr. Taban work with a 53 year old female, who underwent left lower eyelid skin cancer reconstruction after Mohs surgery to remove basal cell carcinoma.

Endoscopic DCR Surgery (blocked tear duct surgery) by Dr. Taban
Dr. Mehryar Ray Taban performing stitch less endoscopic DCR surgery on a 4 year old boy (and later that same day on an 80 year old female). This outpatient procedure is performed to bypass complete blockage of tear drainage duct (nasolacrimal duct) to resolve tearing.

What Causes Bulging Eyes and it’s Treatment – TabanMD, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara
Dr Mehryar (Ray) Taban explains why bulgy eyes occur. Thyroid Eye Disease (Graves Disease) He goes into further detail about orbital decompression.

Scarless orbital decompression technique
Surgical video demonstrating scarless orbital decompression.

Thyroid Eye Disease Treatment– Dr. Mehryar Taban
Young beautiful woman with severe Grave thyroid eye disease, traveled from Slovakia to Los Angeles and underwent life changing treatment including scarless orbital decompression surgery, lower eyelid retraction surgery, and upper blepharoplasty, to restore more natural eye shape and function. Before and 3 months after surgery results are shown.

Graves Disease – Thyroid Eye Disease — Dr. Mehryar Taban
This video depicts an unfortunate man from Canada with thyroid eye disease who had incorrect procedures. Instead of orbital decompression and lower eyelid retraction surgery to correct bulging eyes, he had disfiguring lateral tarsorrhaphy where the corners of the eyes are pinched closed which also limits the side vision. He also has untreated upper eyelid retraction. He wanted to share his story to educate other patients about what not to do and what should be done.

Thyroid Orbital Decompression — Dr. Mehryar Taban
Thyroid Orbital Decompression

Tripod Orbit Fracture Repair
Tripod fracture involves fracture of the orbit (eye socket), zygoma, and maxilla. In this video, Dr. Taban uses hidden incisions to repair all fractures.

Removing a Orbit Dermoid Cyst on a 2 Year Old
2 year old boy underwent surgery to remove congenital orbit dermoid cyst.

Custom Eye Patches for Prosthetic Eye
In this video, Dr. Taban introduces us to a patient with a fake right eye that creates her own custom eye patches to match her outfits.

Prosthetic Eye Surgery Results
Prosthetic Eye Surgery Results. Look at her beautiful wedding photos.

Prosthetic Eye

Ptosis Surgery in Prosthetic Eye — Dr. Mehryar Taban
Ptosis Surgery in Prosthetic Eye

Upper Eyelid Filler Injection After Facial Feminization Surgery
Beautiful transgender female undergoes upper eyelid filler injection to treat sunken hollow upper eyelids.

Upper Eyelid Filler injection to correct hollowness after upper blepharoplasty
Young woman underwent upper eyelid filler injection to correct hollowness caused by previous aggressive upper blepharoplasty (by another surgeon). She returns over one year after filler injection and still happy.

Fat Transfer Lumps Removal Testimonial — Dr. Mehryar Taban
47 year old female, undergoes revision lower eyelid surgery by Dr Taban using scarless technique to remove under eye fat lumps or fat granulomas from prior under eye fat injection (by another surgeon) which was initially done to correct dark circles under eyes due to hollowness.

Young woman underwent revision upper blepharoplasty
Young woman underwent revision upper blepharoplasty to remove fat injection lumps (latter done by another surgeon).

Viall Files Episode 256: Plastic Surgery with Dr. Taban