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Filler Injection (Eyelid And Face) — Dark Circles, Sunken Eyes


Non-surgical treatment using Filler injection for hollow upper eyelids (“sunken eyes”), hollow under eyes (“dark circles,” “tear trough deformity”) and under eye bags.
Non-surgical treatment using Filler injection for hollow upper eyelids (“sunken eyes”), hollow under eyes (“dark circles,” “tear trough deformity”) and under eye bags.
Video showing filler injection in upper eyelid and under eyes in this young woman with sunken hollow eyes and dark circles.
Video showing filler injection in upper eyelid and under eyes in this young woman with sunken hollow eyes and dark circles.

Facial Filler Injection (“Liquid Facelift”)

One of the main factors that contributes to aging of the eyes and face is loss of volume (fat) from the face and around the eyes. The eye area becomes affected early and prominently during this aging process, creating hollow sunken eyes, hollow upper eyelids with “loose upper eyelid skin,” and hollow under eye area with under eye “bags” or “dark circles” or “tear trough deformity.” Fat loss from around the eye area (temples, brows, cheeks) further exacerbates the problem, contributing to the fall of the eyebrows and cheeks.
Eye Filler Injection Los Angeles

Think of this analogy: Imagine a balloon full of air (similar to a young person with a full face). When you let the air out of the balloon, the balloon sags with wrinkles and folds. The same thing happens with the face and the eyes. As one ages, the loss of fat contributes to a saggy fallen face with wrinkles, skin folds, hollow sunken eyes, eye bags, droopy brows, etc, thus creating a more skeletonized, tired, older eye and facial appearance.

It is true that the skin quality also changes for the worse but true excess stretched skin is not a large factor in eye and facial aging until perhaps after menopause or age 50 in males.  This all means cutting/removing skin (surgery) is not the best solution to the problems stated above, especially before age 50 years old and even after that age as the sole treatment. Rather, restoring volume to the eyes and face will create a NATURAL, YOUTHFUL appearance to the eyes and face.

This lost volume can be restored using either synthetic injectable filler products (such as Belotero, Restylane, Juvederm, Voluma, Perlane, Radiesse, Sculptra) or one’s own fat (where fat is harvested from the belly or thighs and transferred to the eyes and face.  The best products to achieve “nonsurgical eyelid lift” is Belotero or Restylane, which are reversible products made of hyaluronic acid gel (natural molecule in the skin).

Eyelid filler injection is done in the office setting with the patient in a sitting position, with or without numbing cream. It takes 10-15 minutes to fill hollow upper eyelids, which also stretches and “removes” “loose” upper eyelid skin along with 3D brow lifting, in natural youthful manner (aka “nonsurgical 3D upper eyelid lift”).  The same holds true for filler injection in hollow under eye area, thereby eliminating or improving “dark circles” and “tear trough deformity” and “eyelid bags.”

(Please note that if there is true excess lower eyelid bags (fat prolapse), then the best treatment might be lower blepharoplasty with fat removal/repositioning.) The effect of first time eyelid filler (hyaluronic acid gel types) injection lasts about 2 years, while subsequent injections can last even longer. Recovery after the procedure is painless, but there is some swelling/bruising that lasts 1 week on average. Patients in Beverly Hills are free to continue on with their day with little to no discomfort and return to their normal life activities.

30 year old female, with under eye hollowness and dark circles from tear trough deformity complained of “looking tired" and makeup wasn’t enough. She underwent under eye filler (Restylane) injection. Before and Immediately After eyelid filler injection photos are shown, superimposed next to each other.
30 year old female, with under eye hollowness and dark circles from tear trough deformity complained of “looking tired" and makeup wasn’t enough. She underwent under eye filler (Restylane) injection. Before and Immediately After eyelid filler injection photos are shown, superimposed next to each other.

Read Article Published by Los Angeles’ Dr. Taban About Combined Upper Blepharoplasty with Upper Eyelid Filler Injection


Read Dr. Taban’s manuscript about Upper Eyelid/Brow Filler Injections which is FIRST ever publication.

Upper Eyelid/Brow Filler Injections Before iamge
Upper Eyelid/Brow Filler Injections After Image

Read Dr. Taban’s Article about Lower Blepharoplasty in Eyelids Previously Injected with HA Fillers

Lower Blepharoplasty in Eyelids Previously Injected with HA Fillers Before image
Lower Blepharoplasty in Eyelids Previously Injected with HA Fillers After Image

Read about HA Fillers to Improve Contact Lens Wear in Patients with Sunken Eyes.

Photos showing the youthful effect of upper eyelid filler, in both young and older female samples here.
Young woman complained of sunken hollow upper eyelids with loose skin. She underwent upper eyelid filler injection. Before and immediate after treatment photos are shown.
For more information on upper eyelid procedure, go to

Dr. Taban, Los Angeles Oculoplastic Specialist

As an oculoplastic surgeon in LA, Dr. Taban has expertise and knowledge in treating signs of aging on the face and around the eyes.  As an eyelid filler injection specialist, Dr. Taban provides patients with optimal results around the eyes (including dark circles or hollow under eye area and hollow upper eyelids, and the rest of the face.

During your consultation with Dr. Taban in Beverly Hills/Los Angeles or Santa Barbara, he will evaluate your eyes and face and discuss all treatments available and what will work best for you, given your specific anatomy/problem and desired goal. The goal of the treatment is to restore natural youthfulness to the eyes and the rest of the face.

Other areas of the face that can benefit from filler injection include nasolabial folds, lips, jaw line, temples, and around the mouth (termed “liquid facelift”).

To better understand your options for eye and facial filler treatment, contact expert Dr. Taban to schedule your initial consultation in our offices in greater Los Angeles area (Beverly Hills or Santa Barbara).

Please see actual video of one of Dr. Taban’s patients receiving eyelid filler injection to treat under eye hollowness (“dark circles”).  Also see below for before/after photos of patients who have received upper and/or lower eyelid filler injection from Dr. Taban.

For more information on upper eyelid procedure, go to

Video: beautiful transgender female undergoes upper eyelid filler injection to treat sunken hollow upper eyelids.

Video: beautiful transgender female undergoes upper eyelid filler injection to treat sunken hollow upper eyelids.

Young woman undergoes under eye (tear trough) filler injection to appear more rested.

Young woman undergoes under eye (tear trough) filler injection to appear more rested.

Young woman undergoes upper eyelid filler injection to treat hollowness that resulted from aggressive upper blepharoplasty.
Young woman undergoes upper eyelid filler injection to treat hollowness that resulted from aggressive upper blepharoplasty.
Young woman underwent upper eyelid filler injection to correct hollowness caused by previous aggressive upper blepharoplasty (by another surgeon). She returns over one year after filler injection and still happy.
Young woman underwent upper eyelid filler injection to correct hollowness caused by previous aggressive upper blepharoplasty (by another surgeon). She returns over one year after filler injection and still happy.

Before & After Upper Eyelid/Brow Filler Photos

*See disclaimer below
Beautiful woman with rounded eye appearance due to upper eyelid fat loss (hollowness) underwent upper eyelid filler injection. Before and immediately after injection photos are shown. Note more almond shaped and youthful eye appearance.
Before and immediately after FILLER (Belotero) injection in both upper eyelids to correct significant upper eyelid hollowness after prior upper blepharoplasty in a 59-year-old female.
Young female, with inherited hollowness around eyes with dark circles and sunken eye appearance. She received Belotero filler injection in upper eyelids and Restylane filler injection under eyes. Before and Immediately after eyelid filler injection photos are shown.
60 year old female, had upper eyelid filler (Belotero) injection to correct sunken hollow eyes from prior blepharoplasty.
43 year old female actress underwent upper eyelid filler injection to improve her hollow sunken upper eyelids. Before and 1 month after upper eyelid hyaluronic acid gel filler injection photos are shown.
Before (left) middle age Asian female with deflated, saggy upper eyelid, excess wrinkles, and upper eyelid skin folds. One month after (right) she underwent non-surgical upper eyelid lift using Belotero Filler injection in upper eyelids and under eyebrows.
Before (left) young woman with hollow, sunken eyes and dark circles. One month after (right) she underwent Belotero injections in upper eyelids and brows and Restylane in lower eyelids.
Young female, with hollowness around eyes with sunken eye appearance (left photo). Belotero filler injection in upper eyelids, brows, and under eyes (tear trough deformity) to give more youthful, rested eyes with natural results (right photo).
Before (left) and after (right) 31-year-old female underwent nonsurgical eye rejuvenation with upper eyelid, brow filler (Belotero) injection.
Before (left) Middle age woman with upper eyelid hollowness and sunken eyes after blepharoplasty. After (right) after upper eyelid-brow filler (Belotero) injection. Note more youthful appearance.

Before & After Under-Eye Filler for Dark Circles Photos

Before (left) and after (right) Restylane filler injection to lower eyelid hollows (dark circles).
Before and immediately after filler (Belotero) injection in hollow lower eyelids (tear troughs) in a 67-year-old female.
Young female, with hollowness around eyes with sunken eye appearance (left photo). Belotero filler injection in upper eyelids, brows, and under eyes (tear trough deformity) to give more youthful, rested eyes with natural results (right photo).
Before (left) middle age woman with hollow, sunken eyes, dark circles, and excess skin folds. One month after (right) she under with Belotero injections in upper eyelids and brows and Restylane injected under her eyes.
Young female, with inherited hollowness around eyes with dark circles and sunken eye appearance. She received Belotero filler injection in upper eyelids and Restylane filler injection under eyes. Before and Immediately after eyelid filler injection photos are shown.
36 year old female, with significant under eye tear trough deformity causing hollowness and dark circles, underwent tear trough eyelid Restylane filler injection. Before and 1 month after photos are shown.
Before (left) and after (right) 45-year-old female, complained of under eye bags and dark circles. She underwent nonsurgical treatment using Restylane hyaluronic acid gel filler injection in the hollow tear trough area under eyes..
35 year old male, complained of looking tired. Before and 1 month after under eye and cheek filler injection photos are shown..

Before & After Filler Photos

Surgical video demonstrating scarless orbital decompression.

Surgical video demonstrating scarless orbital decompression.

*See disclaimer below
Middle age woman, complains of saggy lower face and jowls, looking older. She did not want a facelift, but rather wanted nonsurgical “liquid facelift”. We notice uneven jawline with hollowness between the chin and lower jaw area.
She received 1cc Hyaluronic acid gel Filler along the jaw line, resulting in smoother jaw line and lower face shape and contour, giving more youthful facial appearance. The results are expected to last about 2 years. Before and immediately after filler injection photos are shown.
Middle age man, with thin face and festoons, received cheek and under eye filler injection. Note improved under eye and cheek contours with camouflage of the festoons.
78 year old female with facial aging and sunken cheeks, received hyaluronic acid gel filler injection in her cheeks, to give more youthful natural facial appearance.
Before (left) and after (right) filler injection right temple hollow
*Disclaimer: Results vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed.