Almond Eye Surgery
What is Almond Eye Surgery?
Depending on the ethnicity, almond eyes (such as Bella Hadid eyes or Kendall Jenner eyes) are considered more beautiful and attractive and youthful. Almond Eye Surgery creates slightly higher lateral canthus with the lower eyelids sitting just at the lower border of the iris without any scleral showing. In other words, the outer corner of the eye and colored part of the eyeball have white showing under the iris.
How to achieve Almond Eye Surgery?

For some, naturally looking almond eyes can be achieved through lateral canthoplasty, where the outer corner of the eye (lateral canthus) is repositioned and/or tightened. Lateral canthoplasty is a delicate procedure which should be done by an expert oculoplastic specialist. Dr. Taban has published a manuscript describing a minimally invasive technique to accomplish lateral canthoplasty, entitled “Aesthetic Lateral Canthoplasty.”
Read Dr. Taban’s manuscript Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery without Internal Spacer Graft.
Read an Article by Los Angeles’ Dr. Taban about his Lateral Canthoplasy techniques.
Read an Article by Los Angeles’ Dr. Taban about Alloderm for Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery.

Read Dr. Taban’s manuscript about En-glove Lysis for Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery.

It is important to note that Canthoplasty does not lift the lower eyelids by itself. For that reason, if the lower eyelids are too low or vertically tight with lower eyelid retraction and scleral show, it will NOT be enough as a stand-alone procedure to achieve natural looking almond eye shape. In these instances, additional procedures are necessary such as lower eyelid retraction surgery (with or without internal eyelid grafts) and/or midface lift to elevate the lower eyelids and release any vertical tension that will pull the lower eyelids and lateral canthus down if not properly addressed.
In other words, what is needed to correct scleral show may be more than just Canthoplasty. Dr. Taban has published multiple manuscripts on lower eyelid retraction surgery to reduce scleral show.
Another confounding factor is if the patient has large protruding eyes or negative orbital vector, which can cause the lower eyelids to be pushed down. These patients may require additional procedures.
Almond eye surgery can be combined with other cosmetic eyelid procedures, if desired, such as blepharoplasty, eyelid ptosis surgery, and brow lift.
Fox eye surgery is a variation of procedures discussed above to create more upturned eye appearance or “fox eyes”. It is important to maintain natural results and function of the eyes.
To learn more about cosmetic eye surgery, visit
What to expect during and after almond eye surgery?
Almond eye surgery may be performed under local anesthesia with or without conscious sedation, dependent on extend of surgery It may be useful for the patient to be able to open his/her eyes during surgery to achieve an optimal outcome. As with most eyelid procedures, the patient goes home after Almond Eye Surgery. Consequently, patients expect to have bruising/swelling for 7-10 days. Pain is mild and only for the first day, controlled by oral medication. Patients in Los Angeles can resume normal activities after about a week, although complete healing takes weeks to a few months.
As mentioned earlier, Canthoplasty and Almond Eye Surgery should be performed by an experienced Oculoplastic Surgeon. This is to achieve natural results and avoid dramatic changes to your eye and facial appearance. Mehryar Ray Taban is an experienced Beverly Hills Oculoplastic Surgeon specializing in almond eye surgery. Dr. Taban has offices in greater Los Angeles area (Beverly Hills and Santa Barbara).
Before & After Photos
27 year old transgender female, underwent eye transformation almond eye surgery including lower eyelid retraction surgery with canthoplasty, infraorbital rim silicone implant, orbital decompression bulging eye surgery, and upper eyelid filler injection. Before and 1 month after surgery photos are shown.
Woman who was unhappy about her eye shape and eye asymmetry, underwent eye plastic surgery including cosmetic bulging eye orbital decompression, infraorbital rim silicone implant, lower eyelid retraction surgery with canthoplasty, right upper blepharoplasty and left upper eyelid filler injection. Note more almond shaped and symmetric eye appearance in the after photo taken 1 month after almond eye surgery.
18 year old young man, with congenital droopy lower eyelids with negative canthal tilt and droopy upper eyelids (ptosis), looking sad and tired, underwent lower eyelid retraction surgery with canthoplasty and scarless droopy upper eyelid ptosis surgery. Before and 3 months after eye plastic surgery photos are shown.
Contact the LA Oculoplastic Experts
Learn more about how to remove forehead wrinkles from Dr. Taban a cosmetic eyelid surgeon, and the authority on Los Angeles oculoplasty surgery, can be contacted via our online support form or via telephone line at: (310) 499-2565.
Next, read about almond eye surgery.