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Best Age for a Midface Lift

What is the best age for a midface lift? A facelift is one of plastic surgery’s most reliable and popular procedures, and for good reason. This operation has the potential to seriously improve one’s appearance, taking years off of the patient’s appearance. The procedure can oftentimes resolve longstanding complaints of the patient in one convenient procedure.

Most patients will seek out a facelift between the age of 40 and 60 years old, which is when the more obvious effects of aging tend to take place. However, receiving facelift work at an earlier age can actually improve your appearance prior to the development of other issues, making it a preferable time to receive work.

Best Age for a Midface Lift

If you’re interested in receiving a midface lift, take a look at this overview about the procedure, including the best times to undergo treatment.

Facelifts: An Overview

The purpose of the surgical technique called a rhytidectomy, or facelift is to lessen the adverse signs of aging on the face. A rhytidectomy can also improve one’s confidence and emotional health and help one look more youthful.  

A thorough facelift can make you feel and appear completely transformed by revitalizing the facial features and minimizing the wrinkles and sagging that accumulate over time. There are several factors that might contribute to the look of aging, such as stress, exposure to the environment, lifestyle choices, and heredity.

There are many different issues that can benefit from a well-executed facelift. Some of the following benefits are commonly reported by patients who receive treatment:

  • Reduced presence of wrinkles and age lines
  • A lessening of jowls on the chin and the neck
  • A more refreshed and youthful appearance
  • Smoother and more youthful skin texture
  • Overall improved contours and definition on the face

Midface Lift Details

midface lift is also known as a cheek lift, as the procedure primarily involves pushing the cheeks further up the face, closer to the eyes. Like most other kinds of face lifts, a mid-facelift alters skin, fat, and muscle to alter the area surrounding the cheeks and under-eye area.

Sometimes, during this procedure, the cheek fat pads and some eye muscles are repositioned. This has the potential to restore skin tightness and improve the laxity of the skin. In addition, it has the potential to reduce fine lines surrounding the mouth, correct hollowing of the under eye, and just generally bequeath a more youthful appearance to those who receive treatment.

At the end of the day, younger individuals are actually seen as ideal patients for this specific type of treatment. This is because the general level of invasiveness with this procedure fits well for a younger face profile, and older individuals will generally require a higher level of invasiveness to achieve the results they want from a procedure.

Getting Ahead of the Curb

Although older people have often sought out facelift treatment, the procedure is beginning to become more popular with younger individuals as well, with thousands of individuals under the age of 40 looking to this procedure to improve their appearance.

However, one element of this procedure to take into consideration is that some of the details surrounding its execution change depending when in your life you choose to seek out treatment.

For example, elders or people of advanced age will likely be seeking out more intensive and dramatic shifts to their appearance. This is performed to attempt to shave several years off of their appearance and help them to appear significantly younger. On the contrary, a younger person might not have that much aging to shave off of their appearance and subsequently will be looking for a much more subtle procedure.

For younger people who aren’t entirely sure about how dedicated they are to the idea of surgery can experiment with other, less invasive methods of anti-aging before they go into the operating room. For example, experimenting with botox injections may show you the results that you desire without having to go in for surgery.

Determining the Ideal Time for Your Facelift

There are some preliminary questions you can bring forth to your physician that can help you decide if you’re prepped to receive facelift treatment at a younger age or if you should hold off on treatment and save it for when you’re older. Some of the following questions are often posited as useful in this context:

How long do you want your results to last?: 

The average duration that the results from a facelift will last is between 10 and 15 years. This means that if you receive treatment at a younger age, you may have to return for further work if you wish to preserve the results you incur from your original procedure.

What state of health are you in?: 

All surgeries tend to carry a certain amount of risk. Following that, you should be of generally good health if you wish to undergo facelift treatment, or at least not suffering from any type of serious chronic health issue.

Have you experienced surgical complications in the past?: 

Make sure to inform your doctor if you have ever had an issue with a medical procedure in the past. This includes things like experiencing adverse reactions to anesthesia.

What kind of results are you looking to experience?: 

Make sure to clarify with your physician the exact type of results you’re looking to experience from your procedure. This includes making the distinction between dramatic shifts and subtle changes.

What do your finances look like?: 

Facelifts can be costly, and it is nearly impossible to get fully covered by insurance unless they are being performed to repair damage from an accident or the like. If you’re receiving treatment at a younger age, try to ask your physician about the costs of follow-up treatments.

Shooting for the Best Results

A well-executed facelift should ideally make a patient appear substantially younger than they did prior to the procedure—typically, up to ten years younger.

This is the goal that both doctors and patients should have in mind when they walk into the operation room. Any less can result in high levels of dissatisfaction for the patient, as well as necessarily returning to the operating room to receive revision treatment.

Furthermore, the goal of this anti-aging method should be to appear smooth and organic rather than artificial. This is the ultimate goal of any anti-aging procedure that is effectively done.

Preserving Your Results

Although the impact of a facelift is powerful, it doesn’t have the power to resist any treatment that you throw at it. Taking care of your results and your skin in general will ensure that you keep your results in pristine shape for longer. Many of these steps include common sense activities like the following:

  • Avoid spending too much time in the sun
  • Don’t smoke tobacco
  • Keep a good skin care routine, including the application of moisturizers and sunblock
  • Get plenty of rest and high-quality sleep

Following these steps has the potential to preserve your results for a much longer period of time. This in turn can save you time and money by prolonging the amount of time that transpires before you need to return to the operating room for a revision procedure of some kind.

Scheduling a Pre-surgical Consultation

Before you go in for treatment, you’ll go in for a pre-surgical consultation with your physician in order to create a plan for your procedure. This is perhaps the ideal time to describe your exact goals for the aesthetic results that you want out of your surgery.

In addition, this is the time that you’ll share with your physician any medical conditions that you experience that might impact your plan for treatment. This information has the potential to heavily impact the overall course of the execution of your surgery.

At the end of the day, this is the best time that you have to go over any questions and concerns that you have regarding your procedure, and to move forward with a game plan that will make you and your physician happy with the general path forward.

Choose a Board-Certified Surgeon

When you’re planning a delicate operation like a facelift, you’re going to want to have your procedure in the hands of a consummate professional. This means finding someone who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. These individuals have been vetted by a jury of their peers to ensure that they meet the standards to safely practice complex procedures.

Putting your surgery in the hands of a board-certified surgeon means that you can rest easy, knowing that you’ve taken the necessary steps to finding someone qualified to execute your facelift. In addition, you should research their personal history of surgeries to see if they have executed similar procedures successfully in the past.

The Best Oculoplastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Taban MD and its award-winning team is the best choice you have for receiving facelift treatment that’s effective and concise. If you have ideas in mind for your own procedure, contact Dr. Taban today in order to schedule an appointment with our oculplastic surgeon.