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Canthoplasty for Aesthetic and Functional Purposes

Canthoplasty is used to reconstruct the outer corner of the eye for both aesthetic and functional purposes. Canthoplasty can tighten sagging lower eyelid. The surgery is often done in conjunction with blepharoplasty, facelifts, or brow lift surgeries to provide patients with optimal results.

What is Canthoplasty?

Canthoplasty is a surgical procedure that can tighten a saggy, loose lower eyelid. It can also reshape and reposition the lateral canthus. This is especially useful in those patients who have had prior complicated lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) with retracted (pulled down) lower eyelid and rounded canthus, creating an unpleasant “surgical” appearance. Canthoplasty can correct this appearance by creating an aesthetically pleasing upwardly slanted outer eyelid corner.

The traditional canthoplasty procedure involves severing the lower canthal tendon, which holds the lower eyelid in place. The tendon is then divided in two, and a new, tighter tendon is created and reattached to the orbital bone. This pulls the lower eyelid up and into the outer canthus, which is where the corners of the upper and lower eyelids meet.

Dr. Mehyrar (Ray) Taban uses a minimally invasive approach for canthoplasty and tightening the lower eyelid, which provides better eyelid contour with hidden scars, called “Aesthetic Lateral Canthoplasty.” Dr. Taban is an expert in performing canthoplasty surgery and has written many articles on this specific technique.

What Can I Expect During a Canthoplasty?

Canthoplasty Surgery

Typically, a canthoplasty surgery takes about one hour to complete. Only local anesthetic is required, however, sedation or general anesthetic are also options. During the operation, a small incision is made in the outer corner of the eyelids so that the surgeon can access the tendon. With Dr. Taban’s superior method, aesthetic lateral canthoplasty, any resulting scars from this incision will be hidden.

Canthoplasty Recovery

Although recovery time varies by patient, effects of canthoplasty often become visible in just a few short weeks as the bruising begins to subside. To aid in recovery, it’s extremely important to drink a good amount of fluids, get plenty of rest, and apply ice for any discomfort. Because Dr. Taban uses an advanced, minimally invasive technique, his patients can expect shorter recovery times and quicker cosmetic results.

While the procedure has a low possibility of any serious side effects — such as blood clots, scarring, or infection — care must be taken to select an experienced and skilled surgeon. If performed incorrectly, a canthoplasty can result in deformation or retraction of the eyelids in the area of the canthus. This can present either immediately after surgery or several years in the future.

What are the Benefits of Canthoplasty?

If performed correctly, canthoplasty can correct a variety of both cosmetic and functional issues with the eyelid and surrounding eye area. Canthoplasty performed by experienced oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Taban can provide:

  • Corrected lower eyelid droopiness and tightened saggy tissue
  • A younger looking appearance through rejuvenation of the corner eyelid areas
  • Enhanced Blepharoplasty surgery results
  • Safe and effective procedure

Who is a good candidate for canthoplasty?

The ideal candidates for canthoplasty include anyone with sagging lower eyelids due to a variety of causes, including: prior eyelid surgery, aging, and even paralysis. Canthoplasty is usually performed in addition to eyelid lift, facelift, and brow lifts, although the procedure can be done on its own.

Who should perform my canthoplasty?

Canthoplasty is a very delicate, complex procedure that must be performed by expert eyelid surgeon. If performed incorrectly the results can be disastrous. The best option for your canthoplasty is a cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon who is an expert in eyelids, tear drain system, and the orbit. Whether or not your surgeon is a member of the American Society of Opthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS) is an indicator of whether or not they are board certified in Ophthalmology and fully understand the anatomy and structure of the eyelids and orbit.

Dr. Taban’s aesthetic lateral canthoplasty uses minimally invasive techniques that allow for patients to recover quickly and easily. Dr. Taban always produces the best results possible for every individual he treats.

Contact Experienced Oculoplastic Surgeon Dr. Taban

If you are interested in receiving canthoplasty, contact Mehryar (Ray) Taban, MD, FACS. Dr. Taban is a board certified in the field of Ophthalmology and Cosmetic Surgery and has an extensive knowledge in canthoplasty, reconstructive surgery, and cosmetic surgery. Contact Dr. Taban today to schedule an initial consultation.