Prosthetic Eye & Socket Surgery
Anophthalmia or anophthalmic socket results when an eye is removed (rarely congenital). Losing an eye is an emotional event to any patient and can cause insecurities about his/her appearance. Beverly Hills oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Taban, can restore proper function to the remaining and surrounding structures (eye socket, eyelids) to provide the best possible opportunity before a prosthetic (fake eye) can be made by an ocularist. There are various techniques involved including orbital volume augmentation by implant or fat grafts, upper eyelid ptosis surgery and lower eyelid tightening (ectropion surgery) with canthoplasty.

What Causes An Anophthalmic Socket?
Anophthalmia can strike at any time during someone’s life due to a number of reasons. Often times, infection, genetic mutations, prenatal deformities, or blunt injury are to blame. When a person loses their eye due to injury, visiting an ocular plastic surgeon is often the best course of action to follow. An experienced eye surgeon in Los Angeles has the ability to examine your injuries and will determine the proper course of medical treatment for your unique situation.
For more information on prosthetic eye and socket surgery please visit
Recovery After Oculoplastic Surgery
Following your scheduled surgery with an exceptional ocular plastic surgeon, you can expect to take it easy for a number of weeks following your procedure. Rest, relaxation and thorough hygiene is extremely important in the days following your anophthalmic socket surgery. If you’ve received a prosthetic eye, it’s generally required that it be cleaned with soap and water daily. In the case of children receiving prosthetic eyes, multiple fittings are often required due to their changes in growth and facial structure as they age. Contacting a board certified ocular plastic surgeon in LA is always your best course of action when seeking help from a professional regarding questions of anophthalmic socket.
Before & After Photos
Who Should Perform Ocular Prosthesis Surgery?
When choosing a surgeon to perform eyelid retraction surgery, look for a cosmetic and reconstructive facial surgeon who specializes in the eyelids, orbit, and tear drain system. Your surgeon’s membership in the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS) indicates he or she is not only a board certified ophthalmologist who knows the anatomy and structure of the eyelids and orbit but also has had extensive training in ophthalmic plastic reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Dr. Mehryar (Ray) Taban is board certified in the field of Ophthalmology in Los Angeles and has a unique background and knowledge socket surgery. If you’d like to learn more about socket surgery and what treatment options may be best for you, contact us today to schedule an initial consult with Dr. Taban at his Beverly Hills or Santa Barbara office location.