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Reasons for Pursuing Revision Eyelid Surgery

There are many reasons that patients come looking for eyelid surgery. Either aesthetically or medically, these procedures can give patients the modifications they either want or need to look and feel their best. Below, we cover our reasons for pursuing revision eyelid surgery.

However, sometimes, the original eyelid surgery doesn’t go as well as a patient might have hoped. There are many factors at play that can influence these types of outcomes. When this occurs, a revision eyelid surgery is called for to amend the issues at hand.

Reasons for Pursuing Revision Eyelid Surgery

If you’ve recently had eyelid surgery that didn’t go quite as you may have hoped, take a look at this guide, which describes some of the reasons that you might seek out a revision procedure.

What Occurs During Revision Eyelid Surgery?

Revision surgery can take place in a variety of ways. Correcting errors or undesired aspects that may have arisen during an initial eyelid surgery is the main goal of revision surgery. The extent of what this could involve is quite broad because blepharoplasties are intricate procedures that need to be performed with precision by a skilled surgeon.

Because of this, the specifics of a patient’s revision surgery will mostly depend on the type of error that led them to seek revision care. The following is a list of often requested revisions by patients.

Modifying Folds

The eyelids consist of several muscle and skin folds. During a blepharoplasty, a surgeon will frequently work with these folds to give a patient a fresh appearance. Common modifications to one’s folds include the following:

• Deepening a fold that a patient feels is too shallow can be accomplished by a surgeon.

• Modifying deep folds: Often, deep folds on the eyelids are positioned excessively high. Due to overexposure, this may put excessive strain on the eyes and result in irritation problems like dry eyes and the like.

• Preventing loss in a newly formed fold: folds artificially enhanced by initial eyelid surgery may lose volume more quickly than is typical. The history of revision surgery

Erasing Scars

It is a little unusual for a properly executed blepharoplasty. Nonetheless, a surgeon may make typical errors that lead to the development of scar tissue. Leaving the stitches and sutures from the initial treatment in place is one example of a mistake that frequently occurs.

Additionally, extensive excision of the orbicularis muscle and connective tissue from a deep fold or ectropion might result in scarring. A revision surgeon will have to replace the lost muscle tissue in this instance.

Modifying the Crease Height

Another aspect of the eyes that is frequently altered during a blepharoplasty is the creases that run along the edge of the eyelid. Revision surgery can alter some crease aspects to more closely match desired results when the first changes made by the surgeon do not match what the patient may be seeking for.

Several typical components that can affect the look of creases are as follows:

  • Enophthalmos
  • Epicanthal folds
  • Weight gain
  • A history of unsuccessful blepharoplasty
  • Thick skin and plenty of tissue
  • Sunken eyelids

The majority of developed eyelid wrinkles will gradually lessen in the first several months following their original surgery. A doctor’s understanding of the necessary changes may be strengthened by waiting until this phase is finished.

Changing Unwanted Asymmetry

Should the eyes appear even more asymmetrical than they did initially, this could be a sign of a botched blepharoplasty. Revision surgery can rectify these asymmetries and bring balance back to a person’s facial features by carefully repositioning the eyes.

Generally speaking, asymmetry resulting from eyelid surgery has two main causes. First, there could have been a surgical error by the surgeon, who did distinct operations on the left and right sides of the face. The more frequent reason for asymmetry is when a blepharoplasty unintentionally highlights pre-existing asymmetries that the doctor was unaware of before the procedure.

Additional Reasons to Receive Revision Work

There are other issues of the eyes that a revision surgery can fix. Some of the following are considered common things that are sought to be addressed:

Undereye Hollowness: 

A revision surgery can be useful in repairing unnatractive undereye hollowness. This is a problem that can arise from excessive fat removal by a surgeon from the lower eyelids. One may appear sunken or worn out as a result, appearing older than they actually are.

This lost volume can be restored and then some with revision surgery. It may make you appear younger, more rested, and more aware of your surroundings.

You’ve Lost Your Ability to Blink: 

An excessive amount of skin removal following a blepharoplasty may leave a patient unable to blink. We call this sad state of affairs lagophthalmos. It can be visually unappealing as well as potentially dangerous for one’s health.

This is due to the fact that eyes that are constantly open are more likely to become infected and to sustain injuries from various types of debris. This issue may be resolved by revision surgery, which uses skin grafts to replace the lost skin and tissue in this area of the eyelids.

Distorted Eye Shape or Color

A somewhat uneven or distorted appearance in your eyes may be a clear indication that you may benefit from any form of revision surgery. Poor quality eyelid surgery can occasionally cause too much whites to show through the skin or give the appearance of being sagging or drooping. By returning the eyes to their original shape, revision surgery may be able to address these problems.

You Have Drooping Eyelids: 

A botched blepharoplasty can result in sagging eyelids that can impair eyesight and cause problems in day-to-day living. It may become difficult to carry out ordinary tasks like driving or operating heavy machinery if this drooping skin is serious enough. Not only do they have these problems, but they also look bad.

Revision surgery can correct any drooping skin that may be obstructing your vision and restore the appearance of your eyes.

Am I a Good Candidate for Revision Surgery?

You will be able to discuss your specific needs regarding revision surgery with your physician in a pre-operative meeting.

You will be able to talk about a variety of pertinent subjects regarding your upcoming revision procedure. This covers topics like your personal medical history, your desired look, and any medications you may be taking.

All things considered, this is your chance to satisfactorily rectify a circumstance that may not have gone as planned in the first place. The more effectively and concisely you and your doctor communicate, the more likely it is that your experience will be positive.

Ways to Improve Your Results

There are some steps you can take to try and preserve and improve your results. Many of these count among the types of behaviors that are considered healthy behaviors in the first place. Some of the common steps you can take to preserve your results include:

  • Avoid drinking too much alcohol before or after your procedure
  • Quit smoking for several weeks prior to your procedure
  • Get plenty of rest after your procedure
  • Arrange to get some rest and relaxation for several days after your procedure

You can discuss with your physician some of the steps you should take on a personal level towards preserving your results and recovering in a timely fashion. Overall, these steps will only serve to keep you healthy in general. Whatever your doctor suggests, make sure to follow to the letter. Following these instructions is paramount.

Choose the Right Surgeon

You should always make sure that your surgery is conducted by board-certified plastic surgeons to guarantee that it goes as you had envisioned and that you’re getting excellent care from a skilled practitioner.

This is a reference to the American Board of Plastic Surgery, or ABPS, which employs a number of strict requirements to properly screen applicants. This is to guarantee that a jury of their peers will find them able to carry out the intricate and delicate task of surgery.

Finding Someone Who Makes You Feel Right

In order for the patient-surgeon relationship to be successful, it might be an intensive one that demands a great deal of trust. This is partially due to the fact that you will be disclosing to the surgeon a great deal of information about your medical and personal background, as well as your desires and fears regarding your appearance.

It is crucial that you feel at ease and confident with the doctor you will be seeing because of this. This is particularly valid if you intend to have more than one surgery or come back soon for more work. In the end, a successful partnership in medicine requires a patient and doctor to have a trustworthy relationship.

The Best Eyelid Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Dr. Taban and the rest of the team at Taban MD offer the residents of Beverly Hills and beyond the best service available for issues of the eyes. If you feel like you would benefit from revision eyelid surgery, contact Dr. Taban’s office today to schedule a consultation.