Thyroid Eye Disease Surgeon
Thyroid eye disease surgeons can help you to get your vision and eye area back to normal with orbital decompression surgery. This surgery can help you to restore your eye shape and function. Orbital decompression surgery is beneficial to most patients but as with any procedure there are risks to consider. Let’s explore how your thyroid eye disease surgeon can help you to decrease bulging eyes, redness, dryness, or eye pain and chronic headaches.
What is a thyroid eye disease surgeon?
A thyroid eye disease surgeon is a doctor who specializes in a procedure known as orbital decompression. These surgeons (oculoplastic surgeon) can evaluate your eyes and the surrounding area to determine whether surgery is right for you. They can also help you to manage any complications before or after surgery too. See these providers if you have been experiencing chronic headaches or bulging eyes along with vision loss after being diagnosed with thyroid disease.
What is orbital decompression?
Orbital decompression is a procedure that involves removing or thinning the bones of the orbit (eye socket) to provide additional room for the eye here. Orbital fat is also removed. This surgery is commonly performed by entering through hidden eyelid incisions. This procedure is performed on outpatient basis, so no hospital stay is required.
What can I expect from orbital decompression?
You thyroid eye disease surgeon (oculoplastic surgeon) can help you to evaluate the risks and benefits of orbital decompression to find out if this procedure is right for you. This procedure usually results in better vision, less eye irritation, and better positioning of the eyes or eyelids. Although as with any surgery there may be complications involved also. Expected recovery includes swelling and bruising for about 2 weeks after surgery.
What are the risks of orbital decompression?
Your thyroid eye disease surgeon can help you to evaluate the risks associated with orbital decompression and your individual condition. Rare complications include bleeding, infection, double vision and extremely rarely vision loss. While these complications may seem frightening, they are very rare and the benefits far outweigh the risks in those selected to go through surgery.
If you’ve been experiencing headaches or eye problems after being diagnosed with thyroid disease it is important to visit a thyroid eye disease surgeon near you. These professional can evaluate the current state of your eyes and advise you on the best course of treatment for you. Orbital decompression is a common way to treat bulging eyes and other eye symptoms associated with eye disease related to thyroid problems which may help to alleviate many of the symptoms that you’ve been experiencing. For more information see a thyroid eye disease surgeon (oculoplastic) today to discuss your treatment options. ( An oculoplastic specialist is an ophthalmologist with specialized fellowship training in plastic surgery around the eyes and the orbit.)