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What Causes Eye Asymmetry?

Eye asymmetry is highly common and is not a cause for medical concern in the majority of cases. Asymmetrical eyes occur when your eyes are not the same size, shape, or level as each other. But, what causes eye asymmetry? Below you will find the common causes of eye asymmetry and what treatments are available to address the issue.

What Causes Eye Asymmetry?

While natural aging is the most common cause of eye asymmetry, there are a variety of reasons why your eyes may be asymmetrical.


Just like the rest of your physical features, the symmetry of your eyes can be linked to your genetics. If your parents or other close family members have asymmetrical eyes, it’s likely that it runs in your family.

Normal Facial Asymmetry:

Perfectly symmetrical faces are highly rare. Most people have some sort of asymmetry. This can vary based on your rage, gender, and ethnicity. One of the most common causes of eye asymmetry is aging and certain lifestyle habits. Smoking, excessive drinking, sun exposure, and stress can all contribute to issues with your skin and face. This, in combination with the natural aging process, cause your skin to become looser due to the loss of elasticity.


Trauma is the most common cause of this condition. It can also be caused by a number of medical conditions, including silent sinus syndrome, Paget disease, bony defects, maxillary sinus tumors, or chronic maxillary sinusitis. Enopthalmos is the posterior displacement of the eye. Trauma or medical conditions impact the space behind your eye, which causes it to sink. The condition’s impact can happen quickly, but it can also take years to develop.


Droopy eyelids, also referred to as ptosis, causes eye asymmetry. The condition can be present when you are born, and it can also develop later in life. It is most common in older adults as the natural aging process impacts the levator muscle in your eyes. The levator muscle is responsible for holding up your eye. As you age, this muscle stretches, detaches from the eyelid, and results in drooping. Because each eye is different, the impact of ptosis often causes your eyes to look asymmetrical. The condition can impact one or both of your eyes. While aging is the most common cause of ptosis, certain medical conditions can also cause the issue. Neurological conditions, tumors, and a stroke can all cause ptosis.


Exophthalmos, also referred to as proptosis, results in the protrusion or bulging of one or both of your eyes. The most common cause of proptosis is Graves disease. The disease causes the tissue behind your eye to swell which results in the eyeball being pushed forward. This results in your eyes looking uneven.

Eye Asymmetry Surgery

Eye asymmetry can cause insecurity despite how common it is. Instead of living with eye asymmetry, there are treatment options that can address the issue. Eye asymmetry surgery is effective in providing effective results, in addition to improving your self-image. Depending on the cause of your eye asymmetry, there are a number of options that you can consider to address the issue. Droopy eyelid surgery is effective for those impacted by upper eyelid ptosis. For those impacted by eyelid hollowness, eyelid filler injections can help address your eye asymmetry.

Eyelid filler injections are a non-surgical treatment so it’s less invasive than other treatment options. Patients who asymmetry is caused by upper eyelid retraction can benefit from upper eyelid retraction surgery. There are a variety of effective treatment options if you are unhappy with the look of your eyes. If you are interested in treatment options, contact the top oculoplastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. Schedule a consultation so you can move forward with a treatment option that is right for you.