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What Treatments Are Available for Eye Asymmetry?

Eye asymmetry can be very aesthetically unpleasing, which can cause an individual to become self-conscious about the appearance of their eyes. This in turn can start to impact the overall emotional well-being of someone in their day-to-day life. Below we cover what treatments are available for eye asymmetry.

Fortunately, there are many treatments available for correcting this type of asymmetry in someone’s life. Finding out which treatment is right for your personal circumstance can make a big difference in your overall state of well-being.

What Treatments Are Available for Eye Asymmetry?

If you’re suffering from eye asymmetry, take a read over this guide, which describes the best treatments available from an oculoplastic surgeon for correcting these imbalances.

What Causes Eyes to Become Asymmetrical?

There are many different things that can cause the eyes to become asymmetrical. In fact, many people’s eyes become slightly asymmetrical naturally over time, simply due to some of the natural impacts of aging. Regardless of their cause, most individuals would prefer to have symmetrical eyes, as it’s generally considered to be more aesthetically pleasing than the contrary.

Knowing the source of your own asymmetry can be helpful when you go to discuss things with your physician. In addition, there are certain situations where you should seek out medical assistance for asymmetrical eyes. Contact a medical professional if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Eye pain
  • Swelling in the eyes
  • Pulsing sensations in the eyes

If your eyes have changed due to some kind of impact or trauma, then you should always seek out professional medical attention afterward in order to discuss further treatment and prevent more damage from being done to this part of your body. Some of the more common sources for the development of asymmetrical eyes include the following:

  • Genetics
  • Traumatic injury
  • Droopy eyelid (also known as ptosis)
  • Medical conditions (including Paget disease, maxillary sinus disease)
  • Proptosis (a thyroid condition that can lead to bulging or protruding eyes)
  • Stroke
  • Palsy

Should you experience a traumatic injury or a stroke, you likely will have other medical issues at play. In situations like these, you should seek out emergency medical care as soon as possible to prevent further suffering.

Consider Your Lifestyle

There are some lifestyle factors that can also contribute to the development of asymmetry in the eyes. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle can impact all sorts of elements of one’s health, including that of the eyes.

In particular, there has been some connection made between smoking tobacco and the development of ptosis, a condition that can contribute heavily to an individual appearing as if their eyes are uneven and asymmetrical.

In addition, certain nutritional deficiencies can contribute to a similar effect. Ensuring that you’re properly hydrated and fed can go a long way toward maintaining your body’s equilibrium.

What Treatments Are Available for Eye Symmetry?

There are many available treatments for rectifying asymmetrical eyes. Choosing the right one will likely have much to do with the source of your own asymmetry, as well as the level of asymmetry that you are experiencing.

Overall, your physician will guide you toward making the correct decisions in this area. Some of the most common methods for treating eye asymmetry include the following:

  • At-home treatments
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Botox injections
  • Brow lift
  • Topical eye drops
  • Orbital surgery

Prior to receiving any actual treatment, you’ll have a consultation with your physician where you discuss the details of your case and decide which treatment would be the most appropriate moving forward for you. This will allow the two of you to move forward with confidence regarding the rest of your procedure.

It is possible that you might need to combine multiple treatments from the list above in order to correct your eye asymmetry. Again, your physician will be able to guide you toward the right choice in this regard.

At-home Treatments

If your overall asymmetry is very mild, then there’s some chance that you won’t have to resort to some kind of invasive treatment, and can utilize simple store bought cosmetics to disguise the presence of your asymmetrical eyes.

For some patients, this is preferential to receiving some kind of intensive eyelid surgery overall. Some of the things that might be of use to you include:

  • Highlighting
  • Blending
  • Eyelid tape
  • Contouring

Some of these methods may be worth a shot before you start to consider heavier treatment options. After all, purchasing over-the-counter makeup products is ultimately much more cost-effective and less stressful on the body than going into the surgeon’s office for a full-blown operation.


A blepharoplasty is a type of eyelid surgery that removes excess skin from the eyelids. There are several types of blepharoplasty, some of which can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. In some procedures, both the upper and lower eyelids can be performed upon.

Blepharoplasties are used to mend all sorts of issues affecting the eyelids, including the asymmetry caused by a variety of factors and conditions. A well-executed blepharoplasty has the potential to offer serious improvements to a patient’s situation, both in aesthetic and medical terms. Some of the common conditions treated by blepharoplasty include:

  • Loose skin
  • Bags beneath the eyes
  • Excess skin and wrinkles
  • Fatty deposits in the eyelids

Because a blepharoplasty is a more intensive procedure, there are some side effects you can expect. This includes things like:

  • Numbness
  • Pain
  • Dry eyes
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Swelling and bruising

Botox Injections

Botox is a type of injectable filler that can be utilized to modify the appearance of the face, adding volume and heft to certain parts of the body that might be lacking in this degree. Following this, it’s quite useful for correcting slight asymmetries in the eyes.

One advantage that some patients find with Botox injections is that they are not an invasive surgery, meaning that individuals who might not qualify for an invasive surgery due to various medical concerns.

That being said, Botox is unable to address some concerns surrounding the eyes, such as ptosis. The latter issue tends to need some manner of invasive surgery to fully rectify.

Brow Lift

A brow lift is another type of surgery that can be effective at correcting asymmetry in the eyes. During a brow lift, a physician makes incisions on the forehead and pulls the skin close to the eyes further up towards the hairline. This has the potential to absolve many aesthetic and medical concerns.

There are several types of brow lifts, all of which excel at their various purposes. The primary types of brow lift available include the following:

  • Coronal brow lifts
  • Hairline brow lifts
  • Endoscopic brow lifts

Like blepharoplasty, there are certain risks associated with receiving a brow lift, including bleeding, anesthetic reactions, and infection.

Topical Eye Drops

There are certain brands of topical eye drops that have been approved to treat certain conditions, such as blepharoptosis. These eye drops are administered once per week over the course of approximately six weeks.

These eye drops carry some risks along with their benefits. Some of the following should be taken into account if you plan on taking them:

  • Blurred vision
  • Pain at the site of application
  • Dry eyes
  • Irritation in the eyes
  • Headaches

You can speak with your doctor to see if they think that any of the market-tested eye drop brands would work well in your particular situation.

Orbital Surgery

Orbital surgery is a surgery of the eye socket and the surrounding areas. It can treat issues in the following areas:

  • Eyelids
  • Orbital bones
  • Tear duct system
  • Mid-face area
  • Forehead

Orbital surgery has been employed in the past to address eye asymmetry. In addition, it can possibly treat some of the conditions listed below, should you be suffering from these as well:

  • General eye injury
  • Exophthalmos
  • Sagging skin surrounding the eyes
  • Ptosis

Like the other surgeries on this list, there are some risks that come paired with receiving this surgery. Take the following risks into account when planning your procedure:

  • Infection
  • Blindness
  • Double vision
  • Nerve dysfunction

What Treatment is Right for Me?

Ultimately, your physician will be the one who determines exactly what type of repair treatment you should undergo to correct your eye asymmetry. This can be determined at your pre-surgical consultation, which is a period of time when you and your physician will discuss some of the ins and outs of your particular case.

During this time, you should consider fielding whatever questions and concerns you might have about your procedure. Ultimately, this will all serve to make your treatment more effective and safe.

One thing you can do to determine that your eyes are consistently happy is to receive regular eye exams from a licensed professional. This can help to ensure that you stay up-to-date on the overall health of your eyes.

The Top Oculoplastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Dr. Taban and the rest of his dedicated office are passionate about offering patients in Los Angeles the best care possible when it comes to the needs of their eyes. If you’re interested in receiving some kind of consultation for eye asymmetry treatment, contact Dr. Taban today to discuss your options in this regard.