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Why Eyelid Surgery Is So Popular

The signs of aging inevitably end up impacting your face. One of the most common areas where the signs of aging impact the look of your face is your eyes. Your eyes are often the first thing other people see when they look at you. First impressions are important so looking and feeling your best is something you deserve. This is why eyelid surgery is so popular as it restores your natural youthful look. Below you will find more information on eyelid surgery and why it’s right for you.

Eyelid Surgery: What to Expect

Eyelid surgery is a great procedure that can restore the youthful look of your eyes. It is one of the most common cosmetic procedures due to its effectiveness and results. The first step in getting your Asian eyelid surgery is scheduling a consultation. You will find the consultation helpful as you can ask any questions you may have, get more information from your surgeon, and determine if the procedure suits your goals.

Why Is Eyelid Surgery So Popular?

The actual procedure itself is very fast and takes less than an hour to complete. Patients are often under local anesthesia during the procedure, but be sure and speak with your surgeon so you are prepared on what to expect on the day of treatment. The procedure itself will depend on your unique needs as some people have excess skin, fat, or both on their eyelids. With that, the surgeon will make a small incision and remove the excess skin and fat from your eyelids. While the main focus of the procedure is to improve the look of your eyes in terms of the excess skin and fat, the surgeon is also highly focused on keeping scarring minimal to nonexistent based on their incisions. The incisions are closed with sutures to ensure optimal healing.

Recovery and Results

Generally, you should expect to spend roughly ten to fourteen days recovering. You will need to focus on resting as this helps with the outcome of your procedure. You will likely experience some pain, swelling, bruising, and some possible dryness in your eyes. These should subside within a short time and should not cause you any worry. During this recovery period you should:

-Avoid wearing makeup
-Touching your eyes (outside of cleaning the surgical areas)
-Stay away from water-related activities
-Avoid wearing contacts

You should also wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat if you go outside or have exposure to the sun in any way as it can negatively impact the healing process.

Many patients become impatient when it comes to their recovery. It’s very important to follow the post-treatment instructions your surgeon provided. These are not only meant to streamline a smooth recovery process, but also ensure that your results turn out as best as possible. The procedure depends on technique. But the recovery process can make or break your results in some cases. Patients who have the procedure and follow the recovery guidelines often report an increase in self-confidence.

Eyelid Surgery in Beverly Hills

If you remain unhappy with your eyelids and want to look at treatment options, contact Taban MD. Dr. Mehryar Taban works as a well-known and successful oculoplastic surgeon in southern California. He is one of the most trusted oculoplastic surgeons in the area as he is highly educated and active in the medical community. Dr. Taban is highly experienced in a wide variety of cosmetic surgeries, including Asian eyelid surgery. He is also widely respected as he is a professor at one of the nation’s top universities, UCLA. Dr. Taban takes great pride in providing his patients with the highest quality care. If you are considering eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills, contact Dr. Taban and his team today for a consultation!