Research And Publications

Dr. Taban has penned many articles, chapters, and scientific journals throughout his career in Ophthamology, plastic facial reconstruction surgery, and cosmetic surgical procedures. To gain a better understanding of what Dr. Taban’s career has entailed thus far, please view the information listed below.
To learn more about what Dr. Taban can do for you, contact us today to schedule an initial meeting to gain a better understanding of your surgical procedure or treatment.

Lower Blepharoplasty in Eyelids Previously Injected with Filler
Combined Upper Blepharoplasty with Upper Eyelid Filler Injection
Upper Eyelid Hyaluronic Acid Gel
Lower Blepharoplasty With Skin Pinch
Lateral Browlift Using Temporal (Pretrichial) Subcutaneous Approach Under Local Anesthesia
Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery Without Internal Spacer Graft
Lower Eyelid Reconstruction – Alloderm vs. Hard Palate
Aesthetic Lateral Canthoplasty
The Utilitarian Upper Eyelid Operation
Expanding Role of Orbital Decompression in Aesthetic Surgery
Modified (Scarless) Orbital Decompression Technique
Combined Orbital Decompression and Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery
Upper Eyelid Approach to Lower Blepharoplasty
Postoperative Wound Modulation in Aesthetic Eyelid & Periorbital Surgery
Minimally Invasive Englove Approach For Eyelid Retraction Surgery
Blocked Tear Duct Related To Facial Asymmetry & Septal Deviation
Endoscopic removal of nasoglabellar (eyelid/forehead) tumor in a child
Orbital Disease: Propranolol for Orbital Hemangioma
Using Hyaluronic Acid Gel For Paralytic Lagophthalmos
Orbital Wall Fracture Repair Using Seprafilm
Eyelid Reconstruction Using Bilobed Flap
Hyaluronic Acid Gel Injection in Pediatric Population
Journal Reviewer
- Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery
- British Journal of Ophthalmology
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Contributing Editor:
ONE Network of American Academy of Ophthalmology website.
1. Taban M, Spoor TC, McHenry JG, Sadun AA. Histopathology and ultra-structural examination of optic nerve sheath biopsies after optic nerve sheath decompression with and without mitomycin. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, September 2001, 17:332-7.
2. Sadun AA, Taban M. Alzheimer’s Disease and the Eye. Contemporary Ophthalmology, November 2002, Volume 1, Number 23.
3. Taban M, Piva A, See RF, Sadun AA, Quiros PA. Review: Orbital Amyloidosis. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; March 2004, 20:162-5.
4. Taban M, Thomas EL, Boyer DS, Novack RL, Chu TG, Gallemore RP. Efficacy of Verteporfin photodynamic therapy on laser-induced choroidal neovascularization and the ancillary effect on diabetic microvasculopathy. Current Eye Research; April 2004, 28:291-6.
5. Taban M, Boyer DS, Thomas EL, Taban M. Chronic central serous chorioretinopathy: photodynamic therapy. American Journal of Ophthalmology; June 2004, 137:1073-80.
6. Boyer DS, Taban M. Current and future role of photodynamic therapy in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy; correspondence. American Journal of Ophthalmology, February 2005, 139:394.
7. Taban M, Douglas RS, Li TG, Goldberg RA, Shorr N. Efficacy of “thick” acellular human dermis (AlloDerm) for lower eyelid reconstruction: comparison with hard palate and thin Alloderm grafts. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery; January 2005, 7:38-44.
8. Taban M, Heller KB, Hsu HY, Sadun AA. Optic nerve size and constituent components: posterior is more. Neuro-ophthalmology; June 2005, 29:103-7.
9. Taban M, Heller KB, Hsu HY, Sadun AA. Bifurcating axons account for the increase in axonal population in posterior human optic nerve. Neuro-ophthalmology; June 2005, 29:109-14.
10. Taban M, Perry JD. Plasma leptin levels in patients with floppy eyelid syndrome. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; September 2006, 22:375-7.
11. Taban M, Perry JD. Juvenile dermatomyositis presenting with periorbital edema. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; September 2006, 22:393-5.
12. Taban M, Marcotty A, Traboulsi EI. Optic disc coloboma and localized chorioretinal defects in constitutional partial trisomy 8. Ophthalmic Genetics; September 2006, 27:103-5.
13. Taban M, Chen B, Perry JD. Update on punctal plugs. Comprehensive Ophthalmology Update; September-October 2006, 7:205-12.
14. Taban M, Sears JE, Singh AD. Ciliary Body Nevus. Eye; October 2006.
15. Taban M, Shamie N, Use of hyaluronic acid gel filler to improve contact lens wear in patients with deep sunken superior sulcus, Journal of Current Ophthalmology (2018)
16. Taban M, Cohen BH, Rothner AD, Traboulsi EI. Association of optic nerve hypoplasia with mitochondrial cytopathies. Journal of Child Neurology; November 2006, 21:956-60.
17. Garcia ML, Ty EB, Taban M, Rothner AD, Rogers D, Traboulsi EI. Systemic & ocular findings in 100 patients with optic nerve hypoplasia. Journal of Child Neurology; November 2006, 21:949-56.
18. Taban M, Perry JD. Pearls of Botox® Usage. Techniques in Ophthalmology; December 2006, 4:165-9.
19. Taban M, Kosmorsky GS, Singh AD, Sears JE. Choroidal folds secondary to parasellar meningioma. Eye; January 2007, 21:147-50.
20. Taban M, Langston RHS, Lowder CY. Scleritis in a patient with stiff-person syndrome. J Ocular Immunology and Inflammation; February 2007, 15:37-9.
21. Taban M, Taban M, Sear JE. Ocular Findings Following Trauma from Paintball Sports. EYE; March 2007.
22. Taban M, Sears JE, Crouch E, Schachat AP, Traboulsi EI. Acute idiopathic frosted branch angiitis. J AAPOS; June 2007, 11:286-7.
23. Taban M, Naugle RI, Lee MS. Transient homonymous hemianopia and positive visual phenomena in nonketotic hyperglycemic patients. Archives of Ophthalmology; June 2007, 125:845-7.
24. Taban M, Singh RP, Chung JYH, Lowder CY, Perez VL, Kaiser PK. Sterile endophthalmitis after intravitreal triamcinolone: a possible association with uveitis. AJO; July 2007, 144:50-4.
25. Taban M, Taban M, Lee MS, Smith SD, Heyka R, Kosmorsky G. Prevalence of Optic Nerve Edema in Patients on Peripheral Hemodialysis. Ophthalmology; August 2007, 114:1580-3.
26. Taban M, Memoracion-Peralta DSA, Wang H, Al-Gazali LI, Traboulsi EI. Cohen syndrome – report of nine cases and review of the literature, with emphasis on ophthalmic features. J AAPOS; October 2007, 11:431-7.
27. Taban M, Taban M, Perry JD. Lower eyelid position following transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty, with versus without skin pinch. J OPRS; January 2008, 24:7-9.
28. Taban M. Culture-negative endophthalmitis risk with intravitreal triamcinolone. EuroTimes. 2007.
29. Ralli M, Taban M, Mancini R, Goldberg RA. Orbital abscesses caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; February 2009, 25:70-2.
30. Mancini R, Taban M, Lowinger A, Nakra T, Shah TM, Tsribas A, Douglas RS, Shorr N, Goldberg RA. The Use of Hyaluronic Acid Gel in the Management of Paralytic Lagophthalmos: The Hyaluronic Acid Gel “Goldweight”. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; February 2009, 25:23-6.
31. Taban M, Nakra T, Mancini R, Douglas RS, Goldberg RA. Orbital wall fracture repair using Seprafilm. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; May 2009, 25:211-4.
32. Perry JD, Taban M. Superiorly based bilobed flap for inferior medial canthal and nasojugal fold defect reconstruction. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; July 2009, 25:276-9.
33. Taban M, Mancini R, Nakra T, Velez FG, Ela-Dalman N, Tsribas A, Douglas RS, Goldberg RA. Non-surgical management of congenital eyelid malpositions with hyaluronic acid gel. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; July 2009, 25: 259-63.
34. Taban M, Mancini R, Hwang C, Goldberg RA. Upper eyelid approach to lower eyelid blepharoplasty. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery; 2008.
35. Morley AMS, Taban M, Malhotra R, Goldberg RA. Use of hyaluronic acid gel for upper eyelid hollows and contouring. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; November 2009, 25:440-4.
36. Taban M, Goldberg RA. Propranolol for orbital hemangioma. Ophthalmology; January 2010, 117:195.
37. Lee S, Taban M, Mancini R, Chong K, Douglas RS. Endoscopic assisted removal of nasoglabellar dermoid cysts. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; March 2010; 26:136-9.
38. Taban M, Nakra T, Hwang C, Hoenig JA, Douglas RS, Goldberg RA. Aesthetic lateral canthoplasty. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; May 2010; 26:190-4.
39. Janez L, Taban M, Wong, CA, Ranganath K, Douglas RS. Localized Intraorbital Casteleman’s disease – a case report. Orbit; June 2010; 29:158-60.
40. Lee S, Taban M, Strahan R. The Utilitarian Upper Eyelid Operation. Facial Plast Surg; August 2010; 26:222-31.
41. Taban M, Mancini R, Hwang C, Goldberg RA. Upper eyelid approach to lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg; November 2010; 126:1752-5.
42. Chang H, Lee D, Taban M, Douglas RS, Goldberg RA. “En-Glove” Lysis of Lower Eyelid Retractors with AlloDerm and Dermis-Fat Grafts in Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; March 2011; 27:137-41.
43. Yoo L, Reed J, …, Taban M, et al. Characterization of ocular tissues using microindentation and hertzian viscoelastic models. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci; June 2011; 52:3475-82.
44. Taban M, Jarullazada I, Mancini R, Hwang C, Goldberg RA. Facial asymmetry and nasal septal deviation in acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Orbit; October 2011; 30:226-9.
45. Rajabi MT, …, Taban M, et al. Ultrasonographic visualization of lower eyelid structures and dynamic motion analysis. Int J Ophthalmol. Oct 2013; 6:592-5.
46. Taban M. Lateral Browlift Using Temporal (Pretrichial) Subcutaneous Approach Under Local Anesthesia. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery 2016; 33:116-20.
47. Taban M. Lower Eyelid Retraction Surgery Without Internal Spacer Graft. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2017; 37:133-6.
48. Taban M. Expanding Role of Orbital Decompression in Aesthetic Surgery. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2017; 37:389-95.
49. Taban M. Lower Blepharoplasty in Eyelids Previously Injected with Hyaluronic Acid Gel Filler. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery 2017; 34:103-6.
- Taban M, Perry JD. Orbital tumors: examination techniques. Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology 2006, Chapter 7-1.
- Taban M, Taban M, Singh AD. Retinal astrocytic tumors. Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology 2006, Chapter 5-3.
- Taban M, Taban M, Bolling JP, Singh AD. Ocular complications of radiation. Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology 2006, Chapter 1-9.
- Chang H, Taban M, Nakra T. Periocular rehabilitation in facial nerve palsy. (in press)
- Shorr N, Hoenig JA, Hwang C, Taban M. Brow lift. (in press)
- Lee S, Taban M, Strahan R. Periorbital rejuvenation via the upper eyelid. (in press)
- Taban M, Mancini R, Douglas RS. 5-fluorouracil in orbital and oculoplastic surgery. (in preparation)
- Taban M, Spoor TC, McHenry JG, Sadun AA. Histopathology and ultra-structural examination of optic nerve sheath biopsies after optic nerve sheath decompression with and without mitomycin. PRESENTED at NMA Ophthalmology Scientific Meeting at Nashville, Tennessee, August 2001.
- Bose S, Taban M, McCulley T, Fallon J, Potkin S, Keator D. PET scan changes following optic nerve sheath fenestration for pseudotumor cerebri. PRESENTED at the annual North-American Neuro-ophthalmology (NANOS) meeting at Utah, February 2003 & at the annual ARVO conference, May 2003.
- Thomas EL, Taban M, Boyer DS. Branch retinal vein occlusion: sensory serous macular detachment causing severe visual loss and its treatment with retrobulbar steroid injection. PRESENTED at the annual Nantucket Retina Society conference, July 2003.
- Taban M, Cohen BH, Rothner AD, Traboulsi EI. Association of optic nerve hypoplasia with mitochondrial cytopathies. PRESENTED at annual Cole Eye Institute Resident’s Day, June 2005.
- Sadun AA, Taban M, Heller KB, Hsu HY. Parallel Processing of Retinal Ganglion Cells: The Optic Nerve is Larger Further Back. PRESENTED at annual NANOS meeting, February 2006.
- Taban M, Sears JE, Singh AD. Ciliary Body Nevus. PRESENTED at ARVO 2006 and Ophthalmic Oncology conference at Cole Eye Institute.
- Taban M, Ufret-Vincenty R, Brasil OM, Kaiser PK. Macugen vs. combined PDT and IVK for exudative age-related macular degeneration: comparison via optical coherence tomography. PRESENTED at ARVO 2006 and annual Cole Eye Institute Resident’s Day, June 2006, and Retina-Society meeting, Cape Town, Africa, October 2006.
- Perry JD, Taban M, Taban M. Plasma leptin levels in patients with floppy eyelid syndrome. PRESENTED at ARVO 2006 and annual Cole Eye Institute Resident’s Day, June 2006.
- Taban M, Taban M, Sears JE. Ocular findings after trauma from paintball sports. PRESENTED at ARVO 2006, and Retina-Vitreous meeting in Cannes France, October 2006.
- Traboulsi EI, Taban M, Memoracion-Peralta DSA, Wang H, Al-Gazali LI, Mousawi A, Marcotty A. Cohen syndrome – report of nine cases. PRESENTED at the annual AAPOS meeting, March 2006.
- Taban M, Taban M, Perry JD. Lower eyelid position following transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty, with versus without skin pinch. PRESENTED at ASOPRS Fall meeting in Las Vegas, November 2006.
- Taban M, Perry JD. Bilobed versus glabellar flaps in medial canthal reconstruction. PRESENTED at ASOPRS Fall meeting in Las Vegas, November 2006, and Cole Eye Institute Resident’s Day, June 2007.
- Taban M, Singh RP, Chung JYH, Lowder CY, Perez VL, Kaiser PK. Sterile endophthalmitis after intravitreal triamcinolone: a possible association with uveitis. PRESENTED at annual uveitis society meeting (SPEIO) during AAO in Las Vegas, November 2006, and ARVO 2007.
- Shorr N, Taban M, Mancini R, Hoenig J, Goldberg RA. Tulip Fat Periocular and Facial Autologous Fat Injections Utilizing the Tulip BiomedÒ Harvesting and Transfer System. PRESENTED at annual ASOPRS Fall meeting in New Orleans, November 2007 and at Asia-Pacific Meeting in India, December 2007.
- Taban M, Shorr N, Hwang C, Mancini R, Goldberg RA. Sclerotherapy of periorbital and facial veins. PRESENTED at ASOPRS Fall meeting in Atlanta, November 12-13, 2008 AND at annual AACS meeting in Phoenix, January 2009.
- Taban M, Mancini R, Hwang C, Goldberg RA. Upper eyelid approach to lower eyelid blepharoplasty. PRESENTED at annual AACS meeting in Phoenix, January 2009, and Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology in Bali, May 16-19, 2009
- Hoenig JA, Taban M. Direct excisional submentoplasty for neck rejuvenation. PRESENTED at ASOPRS Fall meeting in Atlanta, November 12-13, 2008.
- Morley AMS, Taban M, Malhotra R, Goldberg RA. Use of hyaluronic acid gel for upper eyelid hollows and contouring. PRESENTED at ASOPRS Fall meeting in Atlanta, November 12-13, 2008.
- Goldberg RA, Taban M, Lew H, Burt BO, Douglas RS. Chevron incision with combined vertical and circumferential vectors in endoscopic forehead lift. PRESENTED at ASOPRS Fall meeting in Atlanta, November 12-13, 2008.
- Taban M, Nakra T, Mancini R, Douglas RS, Goldberg RA. Orbital wall fracture repair using Seprafilm. PRESENTED at ASOPRS Fall meeting in Atlanta, November 12-13, 2008, and Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology in Bali, May 16-19, 2009.
- Taban M, Hoenig JA. Earlobe management during facelift surgery. PRESENTED at annual AACS meeting in Phoenix, January 2009.
- Taban M, Goldberg RA. Lacrimal evaluation and management. PRESENTED at North African Ophthalmology conference in Tunis, Tunasia, January 23, 2009.
- Taban M, Goldberg RA. Lacrimal evaluation and management. PRESENTED at North African Ophthalmology conference in Tunis, Tunasia, January 23, 2009.
- Taban M, Lee, S, Hwang C, Mancini R, Chong K, Douglas RS. Endoscopic assisted removal of nasoglabellar dermoid cysts. PRESENTED at Spring ASOPRS meeting in Laguna Nigel, July 16, 2009.
- Taban M, Chong K. Periocular facial nerve mapping – in vivo. PRESENTED at Fall ASOPRS meeting in San Francisco, October 21, 2009.
- Taban M. Comprehensive Eyelid & Lacrimal Board Review Course. PRESENTED at JSEI, March 12, 2010.
- Taban M. Current trends & techniques in Oculofacial Plastic Surgery. PRESENTED at IMA, March 13, 2010 and annual TriCounty Optometric Society, May 8, 2010.
- Taban M, Goldberg RA. Facial Reanimation for the Oculoplastic Surgeon. PRESENTED at Oculoplastics Today Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, April 9, 2010.
- Taban M, Mancini R, Strahan R, Goldberg RA. Combined dacryocystorhinostomy and rhinoplasty. PRESENTED at ESOPRS meeting in Lake Como, Italy on September 16, 2011, and at Fall ASOPRS meeting in Orlando, October 22, 2011
- Taban M, Isaacs D. Blepharoplasty complications and management. PRESENTED at annual Jules Stein Eye Institute Seminar, June 8, 2012.
- Taban M. The utilitarian upper eyelid operation. PRESENTED at annual Aesthetic Eyelid Conference at Jules Stein Eye Institute, June 15, 2012.
- Taban M. Lateral browlift using temporal (pretrichial) subcutaneous approach under local anesthesia – One surgeon’s experience. PRESENTED at 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery in New York, May 2014, AND Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Conference in Las Vegas, June 20, 2014.
- Taban M. Lower Blepharoplasty in Eyelids Previously Injected with Hyaluronic Acid Gel Filler. PRESENTED at annual Spring ASOPRS meeting in Vancouver, Canada, June 24, 2017 AND annsual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Meeting in Las Vegas, June 7, 2017.