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Importance of Facial Symmetry

Image demonstating the importance of facial symmetry in beauty and attraction

The standards of beauty and attractiveness have evolved over centuries. From waistlines and rear-end sizes to skin tone and facial features, most trends have continually changed with the times. The trends also differentiate between countries and cultures. There are some aspects of attraction that have stayed the same over time. For example, men’s height has … Read more

Bruising After Eyelid Surgery: How to Deal With It

Bruising after eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is a great option to treat droopy eyelids and address excess skin on your eyelids. Natural aging can cause fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, puffy eyelids, and tired-looking eyes, which can all be addressed with eyelid surgery. While the procedure has several great benefits, one of the side effects is bruising. Below … Read more

Importance of Eyes in Attraction

Importance of Eye Contact in Attraction

Eyes are a huge part of non-verbal communication. There is a clear relationship between eye contact and attraction. Whether it’s locking eyes, a wink, or even a short glance over when the other person isn’t looking, eye contact can say a lot when it comes to communication. Below are some examples of the significant impact … Read more

How to Properly Take Care of the Skin Around Your Eyes

Woman with beauty treatment for skin around eyes

One of the most sensitive areas is the skin around your eyes. The skin around your eyes is very thin which makes it more susceptible to premature aging. Your eyes do a lot throughout the day so the skin around it will need to be cared for or it will take a toll on it. Your eyes blink constantly throughout the day, squint in the sun, strain to read small text, and a whole host of other things. In addition, numerous other factors can affect the skin around your eye, including stress, smoking, genetics, too much sun without protection, and drinking alcohol. The effects of all of this can cause wrinkles, puffiness, and dark circles which are troublesome as they can make you look older and tired. Taking good care of the skin around your eyes is important because it can help you look fresh and youthful. Below you will find some of the best tips for how to keep your eyes looking fresh and smooth.

Get in touch with a top oculoplastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, to learn more about preserving the windows to your soul!

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Are Experiencing Eyelid Vein Pain?

Woman with eyelid vein pain

Pain in any part of the body should be reason enough for a doctor’s visit. Pain in the eye is not only annoying but could be the sign of a larger problem. Surprisingly, we think of the eyes as completely separate from the rest of the body. As an exclusive place that pain is only … Read more

Is it Possible to Reduce Swelling from Thyroid Eye Disease?

Woman covering thyroid eye disease swelling

Thyroid eye disease (also referred to as Grave’s disease or thyroid orbitopathy) is an autoimmune disease that affects one out of every 200 people. The disease is related to the thyroid gland. This is an important part of one’s body as the hormones secreted by it control the body’s metabolism. It also affects different structures … Read more

Cheek Lift vs. Face Lift

Female lips and jaw - cheek lift vs. facelift for women

Aging is a natural process that often leads to changes in the appearance of one’s face. For those looking into correcting any signs of aging on their face, there are multiple options patients can choose from. Most often, patients either have a midface lift (also referred to as a “cheek lift”) or a full-facelift. There … Read more

Are Asymmetrical Eyes Normal?

Woman covering half of her face with paper seeking causes of uneven eyes

Asymmetrical eyes are when your eyes have an uneven appearance. For some, this can appear as one eye lower than the other. For others, it can be in the placement of the eyelid, causing the eyes to not look symmetrical. Although asymmetrical eyes are not an immediate cause for concern, many wonder if they are … Read more

What Does Your Eye Shape Say About Your Personality?

upturned eyes

We are beginning to look towards Eastern medicine and practices more and more lately with essential oils, yoga, meditation, and acupuncture becoming part of the popular culture lexicon in the United States. One ancient Chinese practice that hasn’t quite caught on yet is reading faces. The main focus of this is paying attention to the … Read more

How a Fat Transfer Naturally Restores Volume to Your Face

fat transfer under eyes

Picture a balloon you have just blown up. It is full, round, and resilient. A day or two later, that balloon has deflated a bit. It now sags with wrinkles and folds. Your face goes through the same process of deflation as it ages. A younger person’s face has enough fat to make it smooth … Read more